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Restarting a mediation that has stopped on error

We must restart a mediation that has stopped on error so that the mediation can continue processing messages. When the mediation is restarted, the mediation resumes mediating messages on the pre-mediated part of the destination.

Changes in the state of a mediation usually occur as the result of operations performed by the administrator. If the state of a mediation moves from Started to Stopped on error, and we have not stopped it intentionally, we should investigate the cause of the problem, and resolve it before attempting to restart the mediation.

To restart a mediation that has stopped on error, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:


  1. List the mediation points.

    • To list the mediation points for a bus destination, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Destination resources] Destinations -> destination_name -> [Message Points] Mediation points.

    • To list the mediation points for a messaging engine, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Message points] Mediation points.

  2. In the content pane, select the mediation name.

  3. Click the Runtime tab.

  4. Under General Properties, view the information in the Reason field.
  5. Resolve the problem.

  6. Restart the mediation so that it can continue processing messages.


  • Mediation points
  • Exception destinations
  • Error handling in mediations
  • Tips for troubleshooting mediations