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Configure JMS activation specification properties for durable subscriptions

Configure durable subscription properties of JMS activation specifications for use by message-driven beans with the default messaging provider.

To enable a message-driven bean (MDB) application to create durable subscriptions on JMS topics with the default messaging provider, we set a number of properties on the JMS activation specification used by the application.

If applications use message-driven beans to create durable subscriptions, we should set the properties on the JMS activation specification used by the message-driven beans, as described in this topic. Otherwise, for enterprise beans to create durable subscriptions, we should set the properties on the JMS connection factory as described in Configure JMS connection factory properties for durable subscriptions.

The server-durableSubscriptions.ser file in the WAS_HOME/temp directory is used by the messaging service to keep track of durable subscriptions for message-driven beans. If we uninstall an application containing a message-driven bean, this file is used to unsubscribe the durable subscription. If we have to delete the WAS_HOME/temp directory or other files in it, ensure that you preserve this file.

To configure the durable subscription properties to a topic for use by message-driven beans with the default messaging provider, use the administrative console to complete the following steps


  1. Display the default messaging provider. In the navigation pane, click...

            Resources -> JMS -> JMS providers.

  2. Select the default provider for which we want to configure activation specification properties.

  3. Optional: Change the Scope check box to set the level at which the connection factory is to be visible, according to our needs.

  4. In the content pane, under the Additional properties heading, click Activation specifications. This displays any existing JMS activation specifications for the default messaging provider in the content pane.

  5. Click the name of the activation specification we want to configure. This displays the properties for the activation specification in the content pane.

  6. Specify the following properties for the activation specification:

    Client identifier

    This is the JMS client identifier that applications use to identify durable topic subscriptions created on all connections tht use this activation specification. For more information about client identifiers, see section 4.3.2 of the JMS 1.1 specification.

    Subscription home

    The name of the messaging engine used to store messages delivered to subscriptions for objects created from this JMS activation specification. This is a required field when using a topic subscription.

    This identifies the messaging engine where subscriptions are localized on the service integration bus. Administrators can manage the runtime state of subscriptions through publication points for that messaging engine.

    Subscription durability

    To be able to create durable subscriptions, set this property to Durable.

    Subscription name

    The subscription name needed for topic subscriptions. Required field when using a topic subscription.

    Each JMS subscription is identified by a subscription name (specified on this property). A JMS connection also has an associated client identifier (specified on the Client identifier property), which is used to associate a connection and its objects with the list of messages (on the durable subscription) that is maintained by the JMS provider for the client.

    This subscription name must be unique within a given client identifier.

  7. Specify the properties for the activation specification, according to our needs.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Save changes to the master configuration.

What to do next

When applications have created durable subscriptions, we can use the administrative console to manage the runtime state of those subscriptions, as described in Administer durable subscriptions.



  • Workload sharing with publish/subscribe messaging