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Administer durable subscriptions

Use the following tasks to display the durable subscriptions that exist, to enable a subscription to be changed, or to delete a subscription.

The default messaging provider supports the use of durable subscriptions to topics. This enables a subscriber to receive a copy of all messages published to a topic, even messages published during periods of time when the subscriber is not connected to the server.

If an application creates a durable subscription, it is added to the list that administrators can display and act upon using the administrative console. Each durable subscription is created with a unique subscription identifier, clientID##subName where:


The client identifier used to associate a connection and its objects with the messages maintained for applications (as clients of the JMS provider). We should use a naming convention that helps you identify the applications, in case we have to relate durable subscriptions to the associated applications for runtime administration. For more information about client identifiers, see section 4.3.2 of the JMS 1.1 specification.


The JMS durable subscription name used to uniquely identify a durable subscription within a given client identifier. For more information about JMS durable subscription names, see section 6.11.1 of the JMS 1.1 specification.

For durable subscriptions created by message-driven beans, the subscription name value is set on the JMS activation specification. For other durable subscriptions, the value is set by the administrator on the JMS connection factory and by the JMS application on the createDurableSubscriber operation.

The server-durableSubscriptions.ser file in the WAS_HOME/temp directory is used by the messaging service to keep track of durable subscriptions for message-driven beans. If we uninstall an application containing a message-driven bean, this file is used to unsubscribe the durable subscription. If we have to delete the WAS_HOME/temp directory or other files in it, ensure that you preserve this file.



  • The consequences of changing durable subscriptions
  • Configure shared durable subscriptions for a connection factory
  • Configure shared durable subscriptions for an activation specification
  • Topic names and use of wildcard characters in topic expressions
  • Known remote subscription points [Collection]
  • Known remote subscription points [Settings]
  • Subscriptions [Collection]
  • Subscriptions [Settings]