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Update a file through programming

We can update a file for an existing application through the administrative console, the wsadmin tool, or programming. This example describes how to update a file through programming.


  1. Connect to WAS.

  2. Create the application management proxy.

  3. Create the notification filter for listening to events.

  4. Add the listener.
  5. Update the file in the application.
  6. Wait for some timeout so that the program does not end.
  7. Listen to Java Management Extensions (JMX) notifications to understand completion of the operation.

  8. When the installation completes, remove the listener and quit.

After you successfully run the code, the file is updated for the application.


The following example shows how to add a file to an application based on the previous steps. Some statements are split on multiple lines for printing purposes.

//fileContents specifies the name of the file that we add to the application.
//appName specifies the name of the application.
//fileURI specifies a URI that gives the target location of the file. The URI 
// provides the location of the new module after installation. The URI is 
// relative to the application URL.
String fileContents = "C:\apps\test.jsp";
(Linux) (HPUX) (Solaris) (AIX) (ZOS) (iSeries)
String fileContents = "/apps/test.jsp";
String appName = "MyApp";
String fileURI = "SomeWebMod.war/com/foo/abc.jsp";

//Get the administrative client to connect to 
AdminClient client = ...;

//Create the application management proxy.
AppManagement proxy = AppManagementProxy.getJMXProxyForClient (client);

//Create the notification filter.
  NotificationFilterSupport myFilter = new NotificationFilterSupport();
  myFilter.enableType (NotificationConstants.TYPE_APPMANAGEMENT);
  //Add the listener.
  NotificationListener listener = new AListener(_soapClient, myFilter, 
"Install: " + appName, AppNotification.UPDATE);

Hashtable options = new Hashtable();
options.put (AppConstants.APPDEPL_LOCALE, Locale.getDefault());

proxy.updateApplication (	appName, 

// Wait; the installation API is 
//  asynchronous and so returns immediately. 
// If the program does not wait here, the program ends.
  Thread.sleep(300000); // Wait so that the program does not end.
        catch (Exception e) {
// Specify the Java Management Extensions (JMX) notification listener for JMX events.
class AListener implements NotificationListener
    AdminClient _soapClient;
    NotificationFilterSupport  myFilter;
    Object handback;
    ObjectName on;
    String eventTypeToCheck;

    public AListener(AdminClient cl, NotificationFilterSupport fl, 
Object h, String eType) throws Exception
        _soapClient = cl;
        myFilter = fl;
        handback = h;
        eventTypeToCheck = eType;

        Iterator iter = _soapClient.queryNames (new ObjectName(
"WebSphere:type=AppManagement,*"), null).iterator();
        on = (ObjectName)iter.next();
        System.out.println ("ObjectName: " + on);
        _soapClient.addNotificationListener (on, this, myFilter, handback);

    public void handleNotification (Notification notf, Object handback)
            AppNotification ev = (AppNotification) notf.getUserData();
            System.out.println ("!! JMX event Recd: (handback obj= " + handback+ "): " + ev);

            //When the installation is done, remove the listener and quit.

            if (ev.taskName.equals (eventTypeToCheck) &&
                (ev.taskStatus.equals (AppNotification.STATUS_COMPLETED) ||
                 ev.taskStatus.equals (AppNotification.STATUS_FAILED)))
                            _soapClient.removeNotificationListener (on, this);
            catch (Throwable th)
                        System.out.println ("Error removing listener: " + th);
                    System.exit (0);

  • Install an application through programming
  • Uninstall an application through programming
  • Update an application through programming
  • Add to, update, or delete part of an application through programming
  • Prepare a module and adding it to an existing application through programming
  • Prepare and updating a module through programming
  • Deleting a module through programming
  • Add a file through programming
  • Deleting a file through programming