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Configure a messaging engine to use a data store

Although the default message store for a typical messaging engine is file store, we can also configure a messaging engine to use a data store.

Each messaging engine has its own file store or data store. If the data store is chosen the messaging engine uses an instance of a JDBC data source to interact with the database containing the data store for that messaging engine.

When a new messaging engine that uses a data store is created on a single server, it is configured to use an Apache Derby data source by default. This enables the messaging engine to run without needing any additional configuration.

To configure a new messaging engine to use your chosen data source when we create that messaging engine on a single server, see Add a server as a new bus member.

When a messaging engine is created as a member of a cluster, we must explicitly configure both the data store and the JDBC data source that the messaging engine uses to interact with the data store. We must also set Purge policy to EntirePool. For more information, see Tune the JDBC data source of a messaging engine.

If we do not want to use the default data source configuration, we can use the WebSphere Application Server administrative console to change the configuration parameters. For example, we can change the data source or we can configure the data store to use a different JDBC provider.

If we configure a new messaging engine to use your chosen data source when we create that messaging engine as a member of a cluster, see Add a server as a new bus member.

WAS supports direct customer use of the Apache Derby database in test environments only. The product does not support direct customer use of Apache Derby database in production environments. The product supports the use of Apache Derby only by internal application server componentsf in production environments.



  • Bus members
  • Add a messaging engine to a cluster
  • Tune the JDBC data source of a messaging engine
  • Add a server as a new bus member
  • Data store [Settings]