Data store settings
The persistent store for messages and other state managed by the messaging engine.
To view this page in the console, click the following path:
Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional Properties] Message store.
Configuration tab
The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted.
General Properties
The universal unique identifier assigned by the system to this data store for administrative purposes.
Information Value Required No Data type String
Data source JNDI name
The JNDI name of the data source that the messaging engine uses to access the relational database management system (RDBMS) for the data store.
Information Value Required Yes Data type Text
Schema name
The name of the database schema used to contain the tables for the data store.
Each messaging engine stores its resources, such as tables, in a single schema. Each database schema is used by one messaging engine only. Although every messaging engine uses the same table names, its relationship with the schema gives each messaging engine exclusive use of its own tables.
Information Value Required No Data type String
Authentication alias
The name of the authentication alias used by the messaging engine to access the data source.
Information Value Required No Data type drop-down list
Create tables
If this option is selected, the messaging engine creates the database tables for the data store automatically. Otherwise, the database administrator must create the database tables manually.
Information Value Required No Data type Boolean
Restrict long running locks
If this option is selected, A new messaging engine locking mechanism is applied, where long DB locks are not held. Otherwise, the old locking mechanism is applied where long DB locks are held by messaging engine.
When this option is selected, the messaging engine establishes a lock over the database only for short durations. In the event of the active messaging engine not responding to the database, the standby messaging engine will be able to take ownership of the database because the active messaging engine holds only short duration locks.
Information Value Required No Data type Boolean Important: Although the property is selected, the property will not be effective until the database tables are upgraded using the sibDBUpgrade command for WebSphere Application Server v9.0 and later.
Number of tables for permanent objects
Number of database tables to use for storage of permanent objects.
Information Value Required No Data type Integer Range 1 through 2147483647
Number of tables for temporary objects
Number of database tables to use for storage of temporary objects.
Information Value Required No Data type Integer Range 1 through 2147483647
Related Items
- JAAS - J2C authentication data
- List of user identities and passwords for Java 2 connector security to use.
Configure a messaging engine to use a data store Administrative console buttons Administrative console preference settings