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Dynamically updating a COBOL module

We can dynamically update a COBOL module without having to restart the batch application server.

The COBOL module DLL is loaded by the ILContainer upon first invocation of the COBOL procedure, and is released by the ILContainer when the ILContainer is destroyed, which is at the end of the batch step.

This function enables us to dynamically update the COBOL module between batch jobs or steps without having to restart the batch application server. The updated COBOL module is dynamically loaded by the ILContainer created during the next batch step.


  1. Update the COBOL module.

  2. Run the batch application.

    For more information about running batch applications, read about the batch programming model.


  • COBOL container overview
  • Batch programming model
  • Developing COBOL container batch applications
  • Create a COBOL call stub Java class
  • Compiling COBOL call stub Java classes
  • Generate COBOL call stubs
  • COBOL call stub Java class usage example
  • COBOL RETURNING, RETURN-CODE, getReturnValue, and getReturnCode parameters