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Develop COBOL container batch applications

Use the COBOL container within the product to invoke COBOL modules from a Java-based batch application.

Read the COBOL container overview topic for more detailed information.

The COBOL container provides a means of direct integration of COBOL into Java batch processing.


  1. Create a COBOL call stub Java class

    To call a COBOL module from a Java batch plain old Java object (POJO) in the batch environment, first create a COBOL call stub Java class.

  2. Compile a COBOL call stub Java class

    We can compile COBOL call stubs with the marshal.jar and ilcontainer.jar files on the classpath. The marshal.jar and ilcontainer.jar files are included with the COBOL call stub generator tool.

  3. Invoke a COBOL call stub Java class.

    Invoke the Java call stub from your batch application. Read the COBOL call stub Java class usage example topic for more information.

  4. Optional: Dynamically update a COBOL module

    We can dynamically update a COBOL module without having to restart the application server.



  • COBOL container overview
  • Generate COBOL call stubs