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Register stand-alone application servers with job managers


  1. Register a stand-alone application server with an administrative agent

  2. Register the application server with a job manager using the administrative agent console or with the wsadmin registerWithJobManager command.

    Ensure that the administrative agent version number (excluding fix pack level) is not higher than any job manager with which we are registering the administrative agent.

Use the administrative agent console to register stand-alone application server nodes

  1. Click...

      System administration > Administrative agent > Configuration tab > Nodes > node > Register with Job Manager

  2. On the Register with Job Manager page, specify a node name, a job manager administrative console port number, and optionally other parameters such as the job manager user name and password, and click OK.

    For Port, specify the job manager administrative console port. If security is not enabled, specify the unsecure job manager administrative console port; the default is 9960 for an unsecure job manager administrative console port. If no port number is specified, the default secure port number 9943 is used.

Use the wsadmin registerWithJobManager command to register stand-alone application server nodes

The command is in the ManagedNodeAgent command group.

  1. Open a command window on the bin directory of the administrative agent profile.

  2. Connect the wsadmin tool to the administrative agent process. For example...

      wsadmin -profileName adminagent -lang jython

  3. Make a stand-alone application server a managed node of the job manager.

    jobmgr_host is the host name of the job manager. The default is localhost.

    jobmgr_console_port specifies the job manager administrative console port number. If security is disabled, the default unsecure port number is 9960. If security is enabled, optionally specify the secure port number. The default secure port number is 9943. If no port number is specified, 9943 is used.

    application_server_node is the host name of the stand-alone application server, for example, myHostNode01.

    Alternatively, we can run the registerWithJobManager command in interactive mode:


    If the command is successful, wsadmin displays the unique ID (UUID) of the job manager. For example:


    See topic on registering target nodes with the job manager using scripting.

What to do next

Verify that the application server target is registered with the job manager.

  • Set up the administrative agent environment
  • Set up a job manager environment
  • Restart the administrative agent
  • Restart the job manager
  • Registering nodes with the job manager
  • JobManagerNode .