Discover REST API documentation
Starting with WebSphere Application Server traditional, we can discover and expose Swagger documentation for our deployed RESTful endpoints. We can also use the built-in Swagger user interface to invoke the APIs.
Discover Swagger documentation for our deployed RESTful endpoints and use the interface to invoke APIs.
- If we use a custom profile in a deployment manager environment, install and map Swagger applications to application servers running on custom profiles.
Skip this step if we use an application server profile, or something other than a dmgr environment.
- Run the deploySwaggerUI script to install Swagger applications onto a target.
- Change user_name and user_password to the appropriate values. A target must be the last parameter and enclosed by single quotation marks. See the following example invocation of the deploySwaggerUI script:
wsadmin -user user_name \ -password user_password \ -f install 'WebSphere:cell=cell01,node=node01,server=server1'- Run the following wsadmin commands to map the applications to additional target servers:
AdminApp.edit('SwaggerUI', '[ -MapModulesToServers [[ SwaggerUI SwaggerUI.war,WEB-INF/web.xml
WebSphere:cell=cell01,node=node01,server=server1+WebSphere:cell=cell01,node=node02,server=server1 ]]]')
AdminApp.edit('RESTAPIDocs', '[ -MapModulesToServers [[ RESTAPIDocs RESTAPIDocs.war,WEB-INF/web.xml
WebSphere:cell=cell01,node=node01,server=server1+WebSphere:cell=cell01,node=node02,server=server1 ]]]')
- Optional: If we no longer want to enable API discovery, remove the two applications from the cell.
wsadmin -user user_name -password <ADMIN_USER_PASS -f remove
- Enable the API discovery service with the administrative console or the wsadmin AdminConfig.modify command.
- Use the administrative console to enable the API discovery service.
- Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server > Web Container Settings > Web container.
- Select Enable API discovery service.
- Save changes and restart the server for the changes to take effect.
- Use wsadmin scripting to enable the API discovery service.
- Run the AdminConfig.modify command. Replace ${CELL}, ${NODE} and ${SERVER} with the appropriate values.
AdminConfig.modify('(cells/${CELL}/nodes/${NODE}/servers/${SERVER}|server.xml #WebContainer_1183122130078)', '[ [apiDiscovery "true"] ]')- Restart the server for the changes to take effect.
- Document RESTful endpoints.
Use the Swagger annotations to augment our existing JAX-RS endpoints. If we have JAX-RS (1.1 or 2.0) applications installed, we can skip this step, but the Swagger annotations allows us to add more detail to each endpoint. For Swagger annotations, see Package io.swagger.annotations.bprac
- To use and compile the Swagger annotations, add the app_server_root/dev/swagger/swagger-annotations-1.5.3.jar to the classpath.
WebSphere Developer Tools automatically adds the directory to the filepath.
- Add a generated swagger.json or swagger.yaml file.
- For servlets, include a generated swagger.json or swagger.yaml file inside the META-INF folder of our web module.
- For hybrid web modules that contain both JAX-RS and servlets, include a generated swagger.json or swagger.yaml inside the META-INF/stub folder of our web module, which is merged with the annotations processed in the JAX-RS portion.
If the application is using a different virtual host than the default_host, or to document a load-balancer in your API, include a minimal swagger.json or swagger.yaml inside the META-INF/stub folder of our web module that includes the new host:port. See the following example:
{ "swagger": "2.0", "host": "virtualHost:3005" }
Restriction: We can expose J2EE applications (EAR, WAR), but we cannot expose OSGi applications (EBA).
- View generated documentation and the user interface explorer.
- Aggregated the Swagger document
- Open your browser and navigate to https://host:https_port/ibm/api/docs to receive a Swagger 2.0 document in JSON format, which contains the aggregated documentation of our RESTful endpoints.
- Add Accept with a value of application/yaml to the request header to receive this document in YAML format.
- Use the multiple-cardinality query parameter root to filter the endpoint. For example, call /ibm/api/docs?root=/airlines to receive a Swagger document that only contains information about the endpoints from the /airlines web module.
- Swagger UI explorer
- Open your browser and navigate to https://host:https_port/ibm/api/explore.
- Call /ibm/api/docs to receive the user interface. Click Try it out to navigate through and invoke the various endpoints.