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Intelligent Management: runtime task custom properties

Use runtime task custom properties to customize the e-mails that contain runtime task information.

Requirement: For older WebSphere Virtual Enterprise versions, install the appropriate fix packs in order to use the custom properties:


Use the terminated.task.remove.timeout custom property to change the time that expired task entries or actioned tasks stay in the runtime task list, which is 24 hours by default. The value is expressed in milliseconds. For example, 600000 milliseconds = 10 minutes.

Value Description
Scope Cell
Valid values milliseconds
Default 24 hours


Use the task.email.global.sender.id custom property to change the e-mail address from which e-mail notifications are sent. Set the value to the specific user ID to use to sent e-mails.

Value Description
Scope Cell
Valid values user ID
Default wasxd


We can set the task.email.custom.body custom property to customize the details of task notifications in the generated runtime task e-mails.

Value Description
Scope Cell
Valid values false: Deactivated. Customized information for task notifications is not provided in the generated runtime task e-mails.

true: Enabled. The default is overridden by a detailed list of task attributes. The attributes and formatting cannot be configured.

custom_value: Customized override. The default is overridden by a customized list of task attributes that we provide. If predefined variables exist within the custom string, the variables are replaced with actual task values. The following list contains the predefined variables:

  • {TASK_ID}: The unique ID of the task
  • {TASK_TARGETS}: The targets of the task
  • {CELL_NAME}: The cell from which the task was generated
  • {TASK_REASON}: The reason the task was generated
  • {TASK_SUBMITTER}: The name of the entity that submitted the task
  • {TASK_SEVERITY}: The severity of the task
  • {EMPTY_STRING}: An empty string used for an empty subject or body to be defined

Default true


Use the task.email.custom.subject custom property to enable a custom subject line for generated runtime task e-mails.

When enabled, the e-mail subjects are in the following format:

[target name, target name, ...] - submitter - originated time - severity

Value Description
Scope Cell
Valid values false: Deactivated. A custom subject for task notifications is not provided.

true: Enabled. The default is overridden by a detailed list of task attributes. The attributes and formatting cannot be configured.

custom_value: Customized override. The default is overridden by a customized list of task attributes that we provide. If predefined variables exist within the custom string, the variables are replaced with actual task values. The following list contains the predefined variables:

  • {TASK_ID}: The unique ID of the task
  • {TASK_TARGETS}: The targets of the task
  • {CELL_NAME}: The cell from which the task was generated
  • {TASK_REASON}: The reason the task was generated
  • {TASK_SUBMITTER}: The name of the entity that submitted the task
  • {TASK_SEVERITY}: The severity of the task
  • {EMPTY_STRING}: An empty string used for an empty subject or body to be defined

Default false


  • Task management
  • Define email notification