Intelligent Management: administrative tasks for web servers
Intelligent Management capabilities are available for Apache or IBM HTTP servers in managed and unmanaged nodes. The GenPluginCfg command generates a plug-in from the command-line interface. If we run this command, Intelligent Management capabilities are included.
Run the following commands from the wsadmin command prompt:
Add remote cell connectors to Intelligent Management.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
- -host
- The host name for the remote cell. (String, required)
- -port
- The port for the remote cell. (Integer, required)
- -importCertificates
- Specifies whether to import remote cell certificates. Certificates will only be imported when security is enabled on the remote node. Default is true. Valid values are true or false. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -cellIdentifier
- Unique cell identifier. The default is the cell name.
- -userid
- The user ID for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled.
- -password
- The password for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled.
- -enable
- Enable an Intelligent Management remote cell. Default is true.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask addRemoteCellToIntelligentManagement {-node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 -host -port 8879 -userid janedoe -password pw1234 -importCertificates true}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.addRemoteCellToIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-host', '', '-port', '8879', '-userid', 'janedoe', '-password', 'pw1234', '-importCertificates', 'true'])
'(cells/testCell08/nodes/unmanagednode1/servers/ws1|intellmgmt.xml #IntelligentManagement_1350344826526)'
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask addRemoteCellToIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.addRemoteCellToIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Add conditional trace rules for Intelligent Management.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -condition
- Trace condition. If the condition option is not specified, then conditional trace is not set. The trace is always displayed.
- -spec
- Indicates the trace specification. If the -spec option is not specified, all the trace specifications are set by default. For each specification parameter, we can choose one of the following trace levels:
- emerg
- alert
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- info
- debug
- off
The default level value is notice.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminTask addConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement { -node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 -spec "http.request:DEBUG" -condition "port=1" }
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.addConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-spec', 'http.request:DEBUG', '-condition', 'port=1'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask addConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.addConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Remove conditional trace rules for Intelligent Management.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters: None.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminTask removeConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement { -node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 }
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.removeConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask removeConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.removeConditionalTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Set a default trace rule for Intelligent Management trace specification.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -spec
- Indicates the trace specification. For each specification parameter, we can choose one of the following trace levels:
- emerg
- alert
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- info
- debug
- off
The default level value is notice.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminTask setDefaultTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement { -node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 -spec "control.mapper:ERROR" }
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.setDefaultTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-spec', 'control.mapper:ERROR'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask setDefaultTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.setDefaultTraceRuleForIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
List Intelligent Management trace rules.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters: None.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminTask listTraceRulesForIntelligentManagement { -node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 } "default control.mapper:ERROR true" "1 http.request:DEBUG port=1"
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listTraceRulesForIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listTraceRulesForIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listTraceRulesForIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Add a child <Property> element to the <IntelligentManagement> element in the plugin-cfg.xml file. The format in the plugin-cfg.xml file is:
<Property name=inputname value=inputvalue/>
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
- -name
- Indicates the web server custom plug-in property name for Intelligent Management. (String, required)
- -value
- Indicates the web server custom plug-in property value for Intelligent Management. (String, required)
Optional parameters: None.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask addPluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement {-node node1 -webserver ws1 -name INPUTNAME -value inputvalue}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.addPluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'node1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-name INPUTNAME', '-value', 'inputvalue'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask addPluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.addPluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Remove a child <Property> element from the <IntelligentManagement> element in the plugin-cfg.xml file.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
- -name
- Indicates the web server custom plug-in property name for Intelligent Management. (String, required)
Optional parameters: None.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask removePluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement {-node node1 -webserver ws1 -name INPUTNAME}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.removePluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'node1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-name INPUTNAME'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask removePluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.removePluginPropertyForIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Delete a remote cell from Intelligent Management.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
- -host
- The host name for the remote cell. (String, required)
- -port
- The port for the remote cell. (Integer, required)
Optional parameters: None.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteRemoteCellFromIntelligentManagement {-node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 -host -port 8879 -deleteCertificates true}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteRemoteCellFromIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-host', '', '-port', '8879', '-deleteCertificates', 'true'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteRemoteCellFromIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteRemoteCellFromIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Disable Intelligent Management on the web server.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters: None.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask disableIntelligentManagement {-node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1}
(cells/testCell08/nodes/unmanagednode1/servers/ws1|intellmgmt.xml #IntelligentManagement_1350344826526)
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.disableIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask disableIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.disableIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Enable Intelligent Management.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -cellIdentifier
- Unique cell identifier. The default is the cell name.
- -retryInterval
- Retry interval (in seconds) for enabling the Intelligent Management service. The default is 60 seconds.
- -enableRoutingToAdminConsole
- Enable routing to the administrative console of the WebSphere cell that the connector group represents.
- -maxRetries
- Maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service. The default is -1.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask enableIntelligentManagement {-node unmangednode1 -webserver ws1 -retryInterval 120 -maxRetries "-1"}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.enableIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-retryInterval', '120', '-maxRetries', '-1'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask enableIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.enableIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
List remote cells.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters: None.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminTask listRemoteCellsFromIntelligentManagement { -node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 } "testell07"
wsadmin>- Use Jython string:
wsadmin>AdminTask.listRemoteCellsFromIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1']) 'testCell07'
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask listRemoteCellsFromIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listRemoteCellsFromIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Modify Intelligent Management properties.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -cellIdentifier
- Unique cell identifier.
- -retryInterval
- Retry interval (in seconds) for enabling the Intelligent Management service.
- -maxRetries
- Maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service.
- -enableRoutingToAdminConsole
- Enable routing to the administrative console of the WebSphere cell that the connector group represents.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask modifyIntelligentManagement {-node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 -retryInterval 90}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.modifyIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1', '-retryInterval', '90'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask modifyIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.modifyIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Modify connector cluster properties of Intelligent Management.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -host
The host name for the connector cluster cell.
- -port
The port for the connector cluster cell.
- -cellidentifier
Unique cell identifier.
- -enable
Enables Intelligent Management for the connector cluster cell. Default is true.
- -retryInterval
- Retry interval (in seconds) for enabling the Intelligent Management service.
- -maxRetries
- Maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service.
- -enableRoutingToAdminConsole
Enables routing to the administrative console of the WebSphere cell that the connector group represents.
Refresh cell connectors for Intelligent Management. Local and remote cells can be refreshed.
Required parameters:
- -node
- The web server node name. (String, required)
- -webserver
- The web server name. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -local
- Specifies if the cell is local. Values are true or false
- -host
- The host name for the remote cell. (String, required)
- -port
- The port for the remote cell. (Integer, required)
- -userid
- The user ID for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled.
- -password
- The password for the remote cell. Only required if security is enabled.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask refreshCellForIntelligentManagement {-node unmanagednode1 -webserver ws1 -local false -host -port 8879 -userid janedoe -password pw1234}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.refreshCellForIntelligentManagement(['-node', 'unmanagednode1', '-webserver', 'ws1 ', '-local', 'false', '-host', '', '-port', '8879', '-userid', 'janedoe', '-password', 'pw1234'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask refreshCellForIntelligentManagement {-interactive}
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.refreshCellForIntelligentManagement ('[-interactive]')
Configure Intelligent Management for web servers Configure Intelligent Management properties for web servers Configure trace on the WebSphere plug-in script