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Intelligent Management: middleware server custom properties and variables

Middleware server variables and custom properties define properties for middleware servers, such as the maximum heap size for assisted lifecycle servers.

Deprecated feature: Assisted and Complete Lifecycle servers have been deprecated in WebSphere Application Server v9.0. Migrate WebSphere Liberty servers to a Liberty Collective configuration. There is no recommended migration action for other server types.depfeat


The SERVER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE variable defines the maximum heap size for assisted lifecycle servers. If the variable is not defined, the default maximum heap size value for the server type is used.

Use wsadmin scripting to set the SERVER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE variable. Follow the directions in the topic on modifying variables using wsadmin.sh.

To set the SERVER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE variable using the administrative console, click...

        Servers > All servers > server > Variables. Specify the maximum heap size in megabytes.

When the excessive memory usage health policy is triggered for WAS Community Edition servers, the percentage of the heap size specified in the runtime task message is inaccurate.

Configure the maximum heap size for each WAS Community Edition server when we configure the excessive memory usage health policy for WAS Community Edition servers.

Set the SERVER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE variable at the server level. The default is 64 MB.

In the administrative console, click...

        Servers > All servers > Variables.

For more information, read the topic on middleware server custom properties and variables.

Server type Maximum heap size
JBoss 512 MB
Apache Tomcat 64 MB
Liberty profile 64 MB
WAS Community Edition 64 MB
BEA WebLogic 400 MB

UseJMXSecureConnector custom property

The UseJMXSecureConnector custom property specifies whether Java Management Extensions (JMX) security is enabled for a WAS Community Edition Version 2.1 server or later server.

To enable JMX security, additional steps are required beyond setting the custom property. Read about the additional steps in the topic on Configuring JMX security for WAS Community Edition.

To set the UseJMXSecureConnector custom property, click...

        Servers > Other middleware servers > WAS Community Edition servers > wasce_server > Custom properties > New. Set the value to true to enable JMX security.

Value Description
Value True or false
Default false


  • Middleware nodes and servers
  • Configure assisted life-cycle WAS Community Edition servers (deprecated)
  • Configure JMX security for WAS Community Edition v2.1 servers (deprecated)
  • Configure JBoss servers
  • Configure Apache Tomcat servers
  • Configure BEA WebLogic servers
  • Modify variables
  • Intelligent Management: middleware server custom properties and variables