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tsx:getProperty tag JavaServer Pages syntax and examples (deprecated)

The <tsx:getProperty> tag gets the value of a bean to display in a JavaServer Pages (JSP) file.

Deprecated feature: Support for tsx tags in the JavaServer Pages (JSP) engine are deprecated in WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0. Instead of using the tsx tags, we should use equivalent tags from the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL).depfeat

This IBM extension of the Sun JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag implements all of the <jsp:getProperty> function and adds the ability to introspect a database bean created using the IBM extension <tsx:dbquery> or <tsx:dbmodify>.

Note: We cannot assign the value from this tag to a variable. The value, generated as output from this tag, displays in the browser window.

This section describes the syntax of the <tsx:getProperty> tag:

<tsx:getProperty name="bean_name"
  property="property_name" />


Tag example:

<tsx:getProperty name="userProfile" property="username" />


  • JavaServer Pages
  • Use installed optional packages
  • Manage shared libraries
  • Web applications: Resources for learning
  • dbquery tag JavaServer Pages syntax (deprecated)