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dbquery tag JavaServer Pages syntax (deprecated)

Use the <tsx:dbquery> tag to establish a connection to a database, submit database queries, and return the results set.

Support for tsx tags in the JavaServer Pages (JSP) engine are deprecated in WebSphere Application Server v6.0. Instead of using the tsx tags, we should use equivalent tags from the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL).

The <tsx:dbquery> tag does the following:

  1. References a <tsx:dbconnect> tag in the same JavaServer Pages (JSP) file and uses the information the tag provides to determine the database URL and driver. We can also obtain the user ID and password from the <tsx:dbconnect> tag if those values are provided in the <tsx:dbconnect> tag.
  2. Establishes a new connection

  3. Retrieve and caches data in the results object.
  4. Closes the connection and releases the connection resource.

This section describes the syntax of the <tsx:dbquery> tag.

<%-- SELECT commands and (optional) JSP syntax can be placed within the tsx:dbquery. --%>
<%-- Any other syntax, including HTML comments, are not valid. --%>
<tsx:dbquery id="query_id" connection="connection_id" limit="value" >



  • JavaServer Pages
  • Use installed optional packages
  • Manage shared libraries
  • Web applications: Resources for learning