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Outbound Ports [Settings]

An outbound port represents a single port for a WSDL-defined service provider. It provides the configuration of invocation of the web service.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] Outbound Services -> service_name -> Outbound Ports -> port_name.

Requests and responses to an outbound service can be sent across any binding (for example SOAP over HTTP or SOAP over JMS) available to both the service integration bus and the external web service. Each available binding is represented by a port.

We can set the levels of security to be applied to messages. The security level can be set independently for request and response messages.

Because the service is hosted externally, we might also have to enable proxy server authentication to get permission to access the Internet.

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted.

General Properties


The port name.

This name must be unique, and it must obey the following syntax rules:

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type Custom


An optional description of the port.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Text area

Port destination name

The name of the port destination for this port.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type Custom

Port destination point

The application server or cluster for the port destination.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type Custom

Binding namespace

The namespace of the binding for this point.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Endpoint address

The endpoint address for this port.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

JAX-RPC handler list

This defines which list of JAX-RPC handlers is to be invoked for this port.

We use JAX-RPC handlers to monitor activity at the port, and take appropriate action (for example logging, or re-routing) depending upon the sender and content of each message that passes through the port. If the external web service requires HTTP basic authentication, we can use a JAX-RPC handler list to provide an HTTP basic authentication header.

We configure the set of JAX-RPC handler lists using the administrative console option Service integration -> Web services -> JAX-RPC Handler Lists.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list

Security request binding

The security binding to be used with requests sent by this port.

We configure the security bindings in this list using the administrative console option Service integration -> Web services -> WS-Security bindings.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list

Security response binding

The security binding to be used for responses received by this port.

We configure the security bindings in this list using the administrative console option Service integration -> Web services -> WS-Security bindings.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list

Security configuration

Details of how security is applied to requests and responses.

We define the security configurations in this list using the administrative console option Service integration -> Web services -> WS-Security configurations.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list

Authenticating proxy host name

The host name of the authenticating proxy used for invoking requests for this port.

The service integration technologies require access to the Internet for invoking outbound web services and for retrieval of service provider WSDL files. If we use a proxy server in support of Internet routing, and if your proxy server is configured to require authentication before it grants access to the Internet, then we must also complete, for this outbound port, the steps described in the information center for enabling proxy server authentication.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Authenticating proxy port number

The port number of the authenticating proxy.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Authenticating proxy Authorization Alias

The name of the authorization alias containing the user name and password to use with the authenticating proxy.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Additional Properties

Custom properties

Specifies additional custom properties that we can configure for this service.