Globalization: Resources for learning
Use links in this topic to find relevant supplemental information about globalization. The information resides on IBM and non-IBM Internet sites, whose sponsors control the technical accuracy of the information.
These links are provided for convenience. Often, the information is not specific to this product but is useful all or in part for understanding the product. When possible, links are provided to technical papers and IBM Redbooks publications that supplement the broad coverage of the release documentation with in-depth examinations of particular product areas.
View links to additional information about:
Programming instructions and examples
- Java internationalization tutorial
An online tutorial that explains how to use the Java SDK Internationalization API.
- Globalize your On Demand Business
IBM's portal site for delivering globalized applications.
Programming specifications
- Java Specification Request 150, Internationalization Service for J2EE
The specification of the Java internationalization service that was developed through the Java Community Process.
- W3C, Internationalization Core Working Group
The W3C's Internationalization Core Working Group responsible for investigating the internationalization of web services, in particular, the dependence of web services on language, culture, region, and locale-related contexts.
- Make the WWW truly World Wide
The W3C effort to make web technologies work with the many writing systems, languages, and cultural conventions of the global community:
Globalization Task overview: Globalizing applications Task overview: Internationalizing interface strings (localizable-text API) Task overview: Internationalizing application components (internationalization service) Programming model APIs and specifications