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Transactional batch properties

Properties specified through the WSGrid properties file describe the batch job to be run under the control of WSGrid. This topic describes a set of transactional batch properties.

The following properties are used to describe a transactional batch job composed of a single step. Using properties provides a methodology for describing a transactional batch job without using xJCL. Specifying these properties is mutually exclusive with specification of an xJCL file on the WSGrid command-line invocation and with use of the repository-job property.

Property name Description
checkpoint-algorithm Class name of a checkpoint algorithm implementation. For example, a built-in checkpoint algorithm: com.ibm.wsspi.batch.checkpointalgorithms.timebased
checkpoint-algorithm-prop.<prop-name> Value of a named checkpoint algorithm property. For example, checkpoint-algorithm.prop.interval=10 specifies a value of 10 for the checkpoint property named interval. This property can be specified multiple times, once for each distinctly named checkpoint algorithm property of the specified checkpoint algorithm.
batch-bean-jndi-name JNDI lookup name of the transactional batch bean. For the POJO programming model, this value is com.ibm.ws.batch.DefaultBatchJobStepBean.
bds.<bds name> Class name of a named batch data stream (BDS): bds.input=com.cpv.bds. Input specifies a batch data stream with the logical name of input and the implementation class of com.cpv.bds.Input.
bds-prop.<bds-name>.<prop-name> Value of a named BDS property. bds-prop.input.interval=10 specifies a value of 10 for the BDS property named interval belonging to the bds named input. This property can be specified multiple times, once for each distinctly named BDS property of a named bds.


  • Configure the batch environment
  • Job scheduler integration with external schedulers
  • WSGrid command-line utility
  • Batch job properties
  • WSGrid properties file examples