Embeddable EJB container functions
According to the EJB 3.2 specification, all embeddable EJB containers that vendors use must at least implement the EJB Lite subset of EJB functionality. The application server also contains additional features that support the EJB Lite subset. Refer to the EJB 3.2 specification for more information.
Container-managed authentication is only supported with the default container-managed authentication alias. For data sources, the user ID and password fields of the Java EE data source resource, or the embeddable properties data source, are used as the default container-managed authentication alias.
EJB Lite includes:
- Local (and no-interface) session beans with synchronous methods only, which include stateless, stateful, and singleton bean types.
- Declarative and programmatic security.
- Interceptors.
- Support for annotations or XML deployment descriptors, the ejb-jar.xml file.
- Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) 2.1.
- Asynchronous methods
- Non-persistent timers
RESTRICTION: The embeddable container does not support the use of Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI). .
The WebSphere embeddable container provides the following additional functions:
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) data source configuration, usage, and dependency injection.
- Bean validation
To use bean validation with the embeddable EJB container, the javax.validation classes must exist in the class path. That can be done in one of two ways:
- Include the JPA thin client located in the directory ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}\runtimes\ in the class path. For JPA 2.1 use com.ibm.ws.jpa-2.1.thinclient_9.0.jar and for JPA 2.0 use com.ibm.ws.jpa-2.0.thinclient_9.0.jar. See the topic, Running an embeddable container, and the information about JPA, for more information.
- Include a third party bean validation provider JAR file in the class path of the embeddable EJB container run time.
Because JPA providers differ in both behavior and vendor-specific APIs, for applications dependent on OpenJPA, the JPA 2.0 thin client can instead be used with the EJB Embeddable Container. Include the JPA 2.0 thin client located in the directory {WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}\runtimes\com.ibm.ws.jpa-2.0.thinclient_9.0.jar.
Use bean validation in the product