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Use bean validation in the product

The Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 7 specification includes the Bean Validation 1.1 API that is a standard mechanism for validating JavaBeans in all layers of an application.

Before the Bean Validation specification, JavaBeans were validated in each layer. To prevent the reimplementation of validations at each layer, developers bundled validations directly into their classes or copied validation code, which was often cluttered. Having one implementation that is common to all layers of the application simplifies the developers work and saves time.

Bean validation is common to all layers of an application. Specifically, web applications have the following layers:

For WAS, these layers are built and administered with several components in the product that are necessary for developing and deploying applications.

The product provides support for the Bean Validation API in the Java EE environment by providing a bean validation service in multiple Java EE technologies including Java Servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.1, Java EE Connector API (JCA) 1.7 and Java ServerFaces (JSF) 2.2. Bean validation provides these technologies a way to maintain data integrity in an integrated and standard environment.

Enterprise application development involves multiple teams developing numerous applications and modules that are assembled and deployed in an application server environment. The product ensures that each application and module data is validated independently. Validation is performed using only the constraints defined for the application and module.


What to do next



  • Bean validation in RAR modules
  • Bean Validation
  • Bean validation in JPA
  • Migration of JPA applications and bean validation
  • Running an embeddable container
  • Bean validation built-in constraints
  • Troubleshoot bean validation in RAR modules