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Custom health condition subexpression builder

Use the custom health condition subexpression builder to define a custom health condition for our health policy. Use the build subexpression utility to build complex rule conditions from subexpressions using AND, OR, NOT and parenthetical grouping. The subexpression builder validates the rule when applying the changes, and alerts you to mismatched parentheses and unsupported logic operators.

From the admin console, click...

If we choose a custom health condition, the Run reaction plan when field is displayed. Click Subexpression builder to build the custom health condition.

Select the properties to include in our custom health condition, and click Generate subexpression. The subexpression value displays. To append the subexpression to our custom health condition, click Append.

Logical operator

Operator used to append this subexpression to the previous subexpression in the custom health condition.




Depending on the operator chosen, type in a value for the subexpression to create.


After clicking Generate subexpression, this field displays the generated subexpression fragment based on the options that we selected. To add this subexpression to our custom health condition, click Append.