Overview of migrating policy sets and bindings
Policy sets are migrated during the product migration from v6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services or v7.0 to Version 8.0. The different rules that apply to migrating policy sets and bindings are described. For information about migrating the version of the product that we are running, see migrating and coexisting.
Migration from v6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services
Migration rules for policy sets
For the following policy sets, the migration code first checks for any application attachment for a policy set. If there is an application attachment, the migration code upgrades and renames the policy set to oldPolicySet_wsfep; then updates the policy set attachments from oldPolicySet to oldPolicySet_wsfep in v7.0 and later. If there is no attachment for the policy set, then the policy set is not migrated or renamed.
- LTPA RAMP default
- LTPA SecureConversation
- LTPA WSSecurity default
- Username RAMP default
- Username SecureConversation
- Username WSSecurity default
Other policy sets are migrated to v7.0 and later only if there is no other policy set in v7.0 and later with the same name.
Migration rules for bindings
In v7.0 and later, custom bindings are called application specific bindings. Read web services policy set bindings.
The following migration rules apply to application specific bindings, cell level default bindings, server level default bindings, and trust service bindings:
- Application specific bindings
- During migration, the v6.1 application specific bindings in the applications are not upgraded. They are copied with the applications to the v7.0 and later system. After migration, we can upgrade the v6.1 application specific bindings in an application using the administrative command, upgradeBindings.
- Cell level default bindings
During migration, the cell level default bindings from the v6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services are copied to the Version 7.0 and later system, and they replace any existing v6.1 cell default bindings in the v7.0 and later system. The Version 6.1 cell default bindings are migrated to general bindings in Version 7.0 and later.
There is a security fix for the v6.1 cell level default WSSecurity bindings. Run the script, updateBindings.py located in WAS_HOME/bin to fix issues with the v6.1 cell level default WSSecurity bindings.
We can install a WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services application within the WAS v7.0 and later environment. If the application contains v6.1 application specific bindings, the application is defined as a v6.1 application to the application server. Additionally, if the application is installed on a WAS Version 6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services server within the WAS v7.0 and later environment, the application specific binding is created as a v6.1 application specific binding.
When we create an application specific binding, the system checks to see if the application is installed on a v6.1 server or if the application contains any v6.1 application specific bindings. If either of these conditions is true, the system creates v6.1 application specific bindings. In addition, we are not allowed to assign a general binding to a policy set attachment for that application because general bindings are for v7.0 and later level of the product.
- Server level default bindings
During migration, the server default bindings in the Version 6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services are copied over to the v7.0 and later server. The server default bindings are also migrated to general bindings. We can decide whether or not to use these general bindings as the v7.0 and later server default bindings. The v6.1 applications and other applications installed on a v6.1 server use the v6.1 default bindings.
- Trust service bindings
Trust service bindings are migrated during the product migration. The migrated trust service bindings replace the trust service bindings in v7.0 and later.
Migrate general bindings from v7.0 and later to v8.0
A general binding is migrated from Version 7.0 to v8.0 only if there is no other general binding in Version 8.0 with the same name. If a general binding is not migrated because it has the same name as a v8.0 binding, then we can export the binding from the v7.0 system and import it into Version 8.0 with a different name.
The default binding settings which specify which provider and client bindings are used as defaults are not migrated from v7.0 to v8.0. We must modify the default binding settings in v8.0 to use the same defaults that were specified in v7.0.
Web services policy set bindings Define and manage service client or provider bindings Set default policy set bindings Set server default bindings for policy sets Export policy sets bindings settings