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Certificate expiration monitoring in SSL

The certificate expiration monitor administrative task is a scheduled task that cycles through all the keystores in the security configuration and reports on...

Configure the certificate monitor

Certificate monitor configuration settings can be configured on the administrative console by selecting...

On the Manage certificate expiration panel, we can perform the following functions.

The following security.xml configuration object specifies when the monitor task starts, determines the certificate expiration threshold, and indicates whether we are notified in an email using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) or in a message log. The pre-notification log is set in a custom property.

<wsCertificateExpirationMonitor xmi:id="WSCertificateExpirationMonitor_1"
                                name="Certificate Expiration Monitor" 

The pre-notification period is set by a custom property in the security.xml file.

<properties xmi:id="Property_1422758742456"

The following sample the schedule object shows the frequency attribute as the number of days between each run of the certificate monitor.

<wsSchedules xmi:id="WSSchedule_2" 

The dayOfWeek attribute adjusts the schedule to run on a specified day of the week, which is always the same day regardless of whether the frequency is set to 30 or 31 days. Based on 24-hour clock, the hour and minute attributes determine when the expiration monitor is started on the specified day.

The following sample code of the notification object shows the notification configuration, which notifies you after the expiration monitor runs.

<>wsNotifications xmi:id="WSNotification_1" 

For expiration monitor notifications, we can select message log, email using SMTP server, or both methods of notification. When we configure the email option, use the format user@domain@smtpserver. If we do not specify an SMTP server, WebSphere Application Server defaults to the same domain as the email address. For example, if we configure joeuser@ibm.com, WAS attempts to call smtp-server.ibm.com. To specify multiple email addresses using scripting, add a pipe (|) character between entries. When we specify the logToSystemOut attribute, the expiration monitor results are sent to the message log for the environment, which is typically the SystemOut.log file.

The following functions can be performed using the certificate expiration monitor

  1. Clears out the NodeDefaultDeletedStore or DmgrDefaultDeletedStore.

    This operation is performed silently without reporting that the certificates are deleted.

  2. Checks the root keystores, DmgrDefaultRootStore, or NodeDefaultRootStore and the DmgrRSATokenRootStore or NodeRSATokenRootStore.

    If any root certificates are expired, fall within the threshold period, or the pre-notification period, then the certificate is noted in the report.

  3. Any root certificates that are expired or fall in the threshold period are re-created using the same information used to create the original one.

    Any signer certificate from the original root certificate are replaced with the signers from the new root certificate.

  4. If a root certificate is replaced, then all the keystores are checked to see any chained certificates that are signed with the original root certificate.

    If there are, then the chain certificate is renewed (re-created with the new root certificate). Any signer certificates from the original certificate is replaced with the signer from the re-created certificate.

  5. After all root keystores are processed, the rest of the keystores are checked for expired certificates, certificates in the expiration threshold, or certificates in the pre-notification period.

    Any certificate that falls in any one of these categories is noted in the report.

  6. If there are any expired certificates or certificates in the expiration threshold period and these certificates are self-signed certificates or chained certificates created by WebSphere, then they are replaced.

    If the chained certificates root is not in the root keystore, then, it is re-created as a default root certificate. Any signer certificates from the original certificate are replaced with the signer from the new certificate."

  7. Depending on the configuration settings, a report is generated and either returned, written to a log file, or mailed.

The expiration monitor replaces self-signed certificates and chained personal certificates signed by a root certificate in DmgrDefaultRootStore or NodeDefaultRootStore. Self-signed certificates are renewed using all the information used to create the original self-signed certificate. A chained certificate is renewed using the same root certificate used to sign the original certificate. Certificates created by a certificate authority (CA) cannot be replaced by the certificate monitor and needs to be replaced by the administrator.

Signer certificates are the public part of a personal certificate. So they are not created on their own but extracted from a personal certificate. If the certificate monitor replaces a personal certificate, it checks all keystores to see if there are any signer certificates extracted from the expired personal certificate and replaces it with a signer certificated extracted from the newly created personal certificate. If a signer certificate was added to a keystore from a certificate file or added using the retrieve from port option, then, it is likely to be replaced. If it is expired or in the expiration threshold, then users are notified that the signer certificates is not replaced. Delete and replace the certificate with a valid one.

The certificate expiration report

When the certificate expiration monitor runs, a report is generated reporting what was done. This report is written to the SystemOut.log by default. Users can configure to have the certificate monitor report sent to them in email. If a user runs the certificate expiration monitor from the wsadmin AdminTask startCertificateExpMonitor, the report is returned to the user and the location that the Certificate expiration notification setting says to send the report.

If the certificate monitor runs and there are no expired certificate to report the output, it returns an informational message that indicates that the certificates were checked and no expiration issues were found. For example,

The certificate expiration monitor reports information about certificates in sections. The pre-notification section, the expired certificate section, the replaced certificate section, and the certificates that cannot be replaced section. Certificates in the report are identified by whether they are a personal certificate or a signer certificates, its alias name, and the keystore the certificate is in.

The pre-notification section lists all certificate in the pre-notification threshold. It serves as a warning period to tell users what date a certificate will be replaced if the certificate expiration monitor runs on or after that date. The section also provides a warning about why users might need to be concerned about the upcoming certificate replacement. If there are no certificates in the pre-notification period, then it is not part of the report. For example,

The expired certificates section identifies expired certificate or certificates in the expiration threshold. If the certificate is in the expiration threshold, it says when the certificate expires. For example,

The replaced certificate section list all certificates that were replaced. Self-signed personals certificate and chained personal certificates signed with a root certificate in the server's root keystore can be replaced. Signer certificates can be replaced by signer that is extracted from personal certificates that were replaced.

The certificates that cannot be replaced section list all certificates that are expired or in the expiration threshold that cannot be replaced. A personal certificate is not replaced if it is in a read only keystore or the certificate monitor does not have the information need to create a new one. If the certificate is signed by a certificate that is not in the server's root keystore it cannot be replaced; it is likely a CA certificate. A signer certificates cannot be replaced if the personal certificate it came from does not exist in the configuration. For example,

Clean out the deleted keystore file

The expiration monitor clears out the deleted certificate keystore file. The deleted keystore file, NodeDefaultDeletedStore, is where copies of certificates that were deleted from other keystores are put in case a user needs to restore it. The file needs to be cleaned up from time to time so when the certificate monitor runs the deleted keystore file is cleaned out. Due to the nature of the PKCS12 keystore, there must be at least one entry in the keystore. There is no reporting on the certificates that are deleted from the deleted keystore file.

When the following configuration option is enabled, the run time can be dynamically affected when the expiration monitor replaces certificates.

The following configuration option only takes affect when Global Security is enabled.

Security > SSL certificate and key management. In the configuration settings, check the check box for Dynamically update the run time when SSL configuration changes occur.

When enabled, any certificates that are replaced cause the client SSL run time to use the new certificates immediately, which in turn, flushes SSL and keystore caches and causes some ports that use SSLServerSockets (RMI/IIOP on distributed and Admin SOAP) to restart. Restarting ports breaks existing connections. These connections can be reconnected after the port restart is completed. Endpoints that use the channel framework (HTTP, BUS, RMI/IIOP on z/OS) leave existing connections unaffected but still use the new certificates for new connections.

When the dynamic change property is disabled and before the new certificates become effective, the administrator needs to recycle all processes in the entire cell after each node has the synchronized configuration.

  • Manage certificate expiration settings
  • Notifications
  • Notifications settings