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Notifications settings

Set properties for new notifications used in certificate expiration monitors or for security audit subsystem failures.

To view this administrative console page perform one of the following:


Notification name

Name of the notification configuration.

Information Value
Data type: Text

Message log

That this configuration will log the notification to a message log file.

Information Value
Default: Disabled

Email sent to notification list

That this configuration send a notification as an email to the email list.

Information Value
Default: Disabled

Email address to add

Email addresses sent notifications. Specify the SMTP server for each email address. If an email address is not specified, by default the application server assumes that the SMTP server is "smtp-server." For example, if you type name@domain, the SMTP server will be smtp-server.domain.

Information Value
Data type: Text (format as valid Internet mail address)


Adds the email address to the list.


Removes the email address from the list.

Outgoing mail (SMTP) server

The SMTP server to be used with the email address. If none is specified, the email realm will be used.

  • Create a Secure Sockets Layer configuration
  • Configure security audit subsystem failure notifications
  • Manage certificate expiration settings
  • Audit monitor collection