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Installation Manager installation

Installation Manager comes in the form of an installation kit, which is an archive file containing a set of Installation Manager binaries and a flat-file repository for the Installation Manager product. The installation kit is only used for set up and maintenance of Installation Manager.

You must run Installation Manager only on systems on which you install or update product code. Typically, you need only one Installation Manager instance on a computer because one instance can track any number of product installations.

To begin an installation, obtain the Installation Manager product packages in one of the following ways:

  1. Copy the files from the physical disk media.

  2. Download the files from the IBM Passport Advantage website.

  3. Download the files from an IBM repository site

    The physical disk contains the rollup of all Installation Manager versions for each supported operating system, so when you insert the disk, the installation process starts automatically because it recognizes your local operating system. If we download the files, start the installation process yourself using the appropriate installation file.

    Before installing Installation Manager, decide the mode in which it will run and where the binaries and runtime data will reside.

    We can install Installation Manager in administrator, non-administrator, or group mode. On UNIX systems, we can install it in group mode using a predefined user group. All users in the group can then install and run the same instance of Installation Manager to manage packages.

    Only one administrator instance of Installation Manager can be installed. If using non-administrator mode, there can be one instance of Installation Manager for each user.

    We cannot have multiple versions of Installation Manager installed on the same physical machine in the same mode. If you try to install additional instances of Installation Manager on the same physical machine, it returns an error that indicates that it is already installed.

    The following sections guide you through the different methods of installing Installation Manager.

Use the GUI installer to install Installation Manager

The following commands are used to install Installation Manager using the graphical interface:

install Installs in administrator mode
userinst Installs in non-administrator mode
groupinst Installs in group mode

Group mode: Group mode is not available on Windows or IBM i systems.

To begin installation using the GUI, run the appropriate install command from the list just provided. Then perform the following steps as an administrator (these steps are written for a machine running the Windows operating system):

  1. Run the install.exe command from your version of the unpacked installation kit.

  2. In the pop-up window, the Installation Manager package is selected by default, and the status indicates the package will be installed. Click Next.

  3. In the License Agreement window, read the license agreement, and then select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option to proceed with the installation. Click Next.

  4. In the next window, provide the Installation Manager directory. We can use the Browse option to select a directory, or leave the default value. Click Next.

  5. In the Summary window, review the packages and the installation paths to be installed, and then click Install to begin the installation.

  6. During the installation process, we can observe the progress of the installation. At any time, we can select to pause or cancel the installation. At the end, a message appears indicating the installation is complete.

  7. When installation finishes, click Restart Installation Manager to continue to work with the tool. We can also review the installation logs by clicking...

      View Log File

Use console mode to install Installation Manager

Console mode is a non-graphical, text-based, interactive method for installing Installation Manager.

To install Installation Manager using console mode, run one of the following commands:

installc -c Installs in administrator mode
userinstc -c Installs in non-administrator mode
groupinstc -c Installs in group mode

Step-by-step installation in console mode

C:\installs\IM_1.5.2>installc.exe -c
Preprocessing the input.
Loading repositories...
Preparing and resolving the selected packages...
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install 
Select packages to install:

1. [X] IBM? Installation Manager 1.5.2
O. Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions
N. Next, C. Cancel
-----> [N] N
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Licenses> Location
Installation Manager installation location:

C:\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse

L. Change Installation Manager Installation Location
B. Back, N. Next, C. Cancel
-----> [N] L
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Licenses> Location>
Enter the Installation Manager location 
Enter a new value for the Installation Manager installation location. To skip, p
ress Enter:
-----> C:\IBM\InstallationManager\eclipse
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Licenses> Location> Summary Target Location: 

Package Group Name : IBM Installation Manager
Installation Directory : C:\IBM\InstallationManager\eclipse
Packages to be installed:
IBM? Installation Manager 1.5.2

G. Generate an Installation Response File B. Back, I. Install, C. Cancel -----> [I] I
25% 50% 75% 100%
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Licenses> Location> Summary>


The install completed successfully. Options: R. Restart Installation Manager -----> [R] R

Use the command line to install Installation Manager

To install Installation Manager using the command line, run the imcl command. This can be done either as an administrator, non-administrator, or a group user.

When using the imcl command, identify the following installation attributes in the command line:

packageId Package ID or feature ID defined in the install.xml file. This ID is required because it specifies the offering to be installed.
repositories Source repository for the installation.
installationDirectory Installation directory for Installation Manager. Must include a path containing spaces in quotation marks.
accessRights User you are using to install. If this is not defined, admin is used by default.
acceptLicense Indicates that you accept the license agreement.

We can obtain a full listing of supported attributes by running the imcl -help command.

Installing IBM Installation Manager using command-line mode

C:\installs\IM_1.5.2\tools>imcl.exe install -repositories
C:\installs\IM_1.5.2\repository.config -installationDirectory
C:\IBM\InstallationManager2\eclipe -accessRights admin -acceptLicense

Use the silent installer to install Installation Manager

To install Installation Manager silently, run one of the following commands:

installc Installs in administrator mode
installc Installs in non-administrator mode on Windows and UNIX systems
userinstc Installs in non-administrator mode on IBM i systems
userinstc Installs as the current user
groupinstc Installs in group mode

Group mode silent installation is not available on Windows systems.

Installing IBM Installation Manager in silent mode

installc.exe -silent -acceptLicense

Installed to the C:\Program Files (x86)
\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse directory.

Uninstalling Installation Manager

Before you uninstall Installation Manager, uninstall all of the packages that were previously installed using it. Be sure to close Installation Manager before starting the uninstall process. You must also log into the machine with the identity you used when installing Installation Manager.

To uninstall Installation Manager, use one of the following options:

  • Windows systems: – GUI uninstall: Click Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs. Click IBM Installation Manager and click Uninstall. – Silent uninstall: cd IBM Installation Manager uninstall directory (by default it is under the ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager directory). Run uninstallc.exe in admin mode or userinstc.exe in non-admin mode.

  • UNIX systems: – GUI uninstall: cd /var/ibm/Installation Manager/uninstall directory, and run uninstall. – Silent uninstall: cd /var/ibm/Installation Manager/uninstall directory, and run uninstallc.