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Liberty profile management
Liberty profile management elements:
- Simple and sharable server configuration
A server configuration consists of a server.xml file, a file, and any optional files that are included by the two main configuration files. There is no dmgr console for the Liberty profile. Administrators and developers use the
Liberty profile developer tools, or a text editor, to edit the configuration files.
- Flexible feature management
Liberty profile supports the OSGi framework, so we can dynamically declare the features to load in server.xml within the <featureManager> element, and <feature> sub-element. The feature manager can perform many tasks, including:
- Recalculate the list of required bundles
- Stop and uninstall bundles that are no longer needed
- Install and start any additional bundles
We can install multiple applications in one Liberty profile server, and multiple Liberty profile servers can run on the same system. The same application can run on multiple Liberty profile servers to achieve high availability. The job manager can be used for central asynchronous management of all local and remote Liberty profiles.