WAS v8.5 > Reference > Settings
Liberty profile: Web application monitoring
Performance data is available for each Servlet in the Web Application. Each servlet has its own MX Bean.
The ObjectName for identifying each servlet MXBean is:
For example:
WebSphere:type=ServletStats,name=snoop.Alpine Snoop Servlet
This MXBean is responsible for reporting ServletStats for each servlet. Following key data is available for ServletStats MXBean:
- Request Count
- Response Time
- Servlet Name
- Application Name
- Counter definitions (Attributes to MXBean)
AppName Name of the application. ServletName Name of the servlet. RequestCount Number of hits to this servlet. ResponseTime Average response time (nano-seconds). Description Description of counter. RequestCountDetails RequestCount details including last time stamp. ResponseTimeDetails ResponseTime details including number of snapshot taken, min, max values and so on.
Management Interface
- The management interface of web application monitoring is com.ibm.websphere.webcontainer.ServletStatsMXBean. We can use the management interface to obtain a proxy object.