WAS v8.5 > Reference > Developer detailed usage information

Liberty profile: Directory locations and properties

Directory/File Description Property
wlp/ Root of installation wlp.install.dir
  bin/ Scripts for managing the server: server; ws-launch.jar  
  clients/ Client applications. For example restConnector.jar.  
  dev/ APIs available at compile time or run time  
    ibm-api/ Public APIs available for both compile and run time  
      javadoc/ Java document archives  
  spec/ Public specification APIs available for compile and run time.  
  third-party/ Third-party APIs available at compile time. Specify using apiTypeVisibility attribute of the classloader element.  
  tools/ Ant plug-in for the Liberty profile  
  etc/ User customized server variables that apply to all servers. Optional.  
      server.env Default server script environment variables. Optional.  
      jvm.options Default jvm options. Optional.  
  lafiles/ License information files  
  lib/ Platform runtime environment  
  templates/ Runtime customization templates and examples  
    config/ Configuration examples for security  
    server/ Server template when creating a server  
+- usr/ wlp.user.dir User directory
      apps/ Shared applications shared.app.dir
      config/ Shared configuration files shared.config.dir
      resources/ Shared resource definitions: adapters, shared.resource.dir
      servers/ Shared servers directory  
        worklightServer Server configuration directory. server.config.dir
          bootstrap.properties Server bootstrap properties. Optional.  
          jvm.options Server JVM options. Replaces values in wlp/etc/jvm.options. Optional.  
          server.env Server script environment variables. Merged with wlp/etc/server.env. Optional.  
        server.xml Server configuration overlays. Required.  
        apps/ Server configuration for applications  
        dropins/ Server default application dropins folder. Optional.  
        application_name Application folder or archive. Optional.  
        worklightServer Server output directory. Use ${server.output.dir} to describe artifacts generated by the server (log files and workarea). server.output.dir
        logs/ Server log files, including FFDC logs. Created after server is first run.  
        console.log Basic server status and operations messages  
        trace_timestamp.log Time-stamped trace messages, with the level of detail determined by the current tracing configuration  
        ffdc/ FFDC output directory  
        ffdc_timestamp/ FFDC output that typically includes selective memory dumps of diagnostic data related to the failure of a requested operation  
        workarea/ Files created by the server as it operates (directory is present after server is first run)  

Parent topic: Set up the Liberty profile environment


Deploy applications to the Liberty profile
Specify Liberty profile bootstrap properties
Liberty profile dynamic updates
Use includes in configuration files
Liberty profile environment variables
Configure session persistence for the Liberty profile