WAS v8.5 > Install and configuring the application serving environment > Install the Liberty profile > Apply an interim fix to a Liberty profile archive install

Remove an interim fix from a Liberty profile archive install

If we installed the Liberty profile using the self extracting archive, to remove an interim fix you must manually remove files, and restore files, from under the /wlp folder. Note: If we used IBM Installation Manager to apply an interim fix, we can use Installation Manager to remove the interim fix.

The current set of fixes installed on a Liberty profile can be found in the /lib/fixes directory. Each interim fix is provided with a readme.txt file, which contains back up and restore instructions specific to the fix content in a section titled Directions to apply fix. If the readme.txt does not include any requirement to back up files, we can extract the fix and then restart the server at any time with the --clean parameter as a launch option.

  1. Stop all servers running on the system.
  2. Delete or replace the files as detailed in the readme.txt file. File locations are relative to your Liberty profile install root. For example:

    • lib/com.ibm.ws.component_1.0.0.20120803-1356.jar
    • lib/fixes/

  3. Start all Liberty profile servers with the --clean parameter as a launch option. For example, server start --clean. The --clean option only needs to be used once. All subsequent server starts will not require it.

We can reapply the fix by following the instructions in Apply an interim fix to a Liberty profile archive install.

Parent topic: Apply an interim fix to a Liberty profile archive install


Apply a fix pack to a Liberty profile archive install
