WAS v8.5 > Secure applications > Secure the Liberty profile and its applications > Get started with security in the Liberty profile

Set up BasicRegistry and role mapping on the Liberty profile

We can configure the Liberty profile to authenticate and authorize users using a basic user registry.

Before beginning

The Liberty feature appSecurity-1.0 must be enabled in server.xml of the Liberty profile. This topic goes through the steps to set up a basic user registry and configure more role mapping in server.xml for a Liberty profile server.

  1. Configure the basic registry as follows. Make sure to use a user name and password that are meaningful to you. Never use the name and password in the example for the applications.

  2. Optional: Grant the user with the Administrator role if the user is used to perform remote system management activities. This step is done automatically when using the quickStartSecurity element.
    < administrator-role>
       <user>Bob</user> </administrator-role>
  3. Encode the password within the configuration. We can get the encoded value using the securityUtility encode task.

  4. Add additional users. Make sure that each user name is unique.

  5. Create groups for users. Make sure that each group name must be unique.
    < basicRegistry id="basic" realm="WebRealm">    <user name="Bob" password="bobpwd" />   <user name="user1" password="user1pwd" />   <user name="user2" password="user2pwd" />   
           <group name="myAdmins">           <member name="Bob" />           <member name="user1" />        </group>   
           <group name="users">           <member name="user1" />           <member name="user2" />        </group> </basicRegistry>
  6. Assign a user group to the Administrator role.
    < administrator-role>
       <user>Bob</user>    <group>myAdmins</group> </administrator-role> 
  7. Assign some users and groups to the testing role of an application.
    < application type="war" id="myWebApp" name="myWebApp"
                 location="${server.config.dir}/apps/myWebApp.war">    < application-bnd>
           <security-role name="tesing">            <user name="Bob" />            <user name="user1" />            <group name="users" />        </security-role>    </application-bnd> </application>

What to do next

Configure security-related elements in the deployment descriptor of the application. See Get started with security in the Liberty profile for a sample web.xml file.

Parent topic: Get started with security in the Liberty profile
