WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer the Liberty profile > Administer the Liberty profile manually > Administer the Liberty profileUse Maven to automate tasks for the Liberty profile
Apache Maven is a software project management tool based on the concept of a project object model (POM). We can use the Maven plug-in provided by the Liberty profile to manage the server and applications.
The Maven plug-in for the Liberty profile is located in a public central repository. This plug-in contains a set of Maven tasks. To use these tasks in your Maven project, you must make sure the plug-in repository is specified in the pom.xml file of your project. For example:
<pluginRepository> <id>Liberty</id> <name>Liberty Repository</name> <url>http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/wasdev/maven/repository/</url> <layout>default</layout> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> </pluginRepository>
We can use the provided Maven plug-in to install, start, stop, package, create a Liberty profile server, and test the application on the Liberty profile. Each task is represented by a specific goal in Maven.
See also
- Liberty profile: Maven goal - liberty:install-server
If we install the Maven plug-in, we can use the liberty:install-server goal to install a Liberty profile server from a compressed archive or a directory that has the server installation files. Additionally, we can assemble a Liberty profile server into a Maven artifact.- Liberty profile: Maven goal - liberty:start-server
If we install the Maven plug-in, we can use the liberty:start-server goal to start a Liberty profile server in the file system. If the server does not exist, this task can create a Liberty profile server automatically.- Liberty profile: Maven goal - liberty:create-server
If we install the Maven plug-in, we can use the liberty:create-server goal to create a Liberty profile server.- Liberty profile: Maven goal - liberty:package-server
If we install the Maven plug-in, we can use the liberty:package-server goal to package a Liberty profile server.- Liberty profile: Maven goal - liberty:stop-server
If we install the Maven plug-in, we can use the liberty:stop-server goal to stop a Liberty profile server.- Liberty profile: Maven goal - liberty:deploy
If we install the Maven plug-in, we can use the liberty:deploy goal to install applications on a Liberty profile server.- Liberty profile: Maven goal - liberty:undeploy
If we install the Maven plug-in, we can use the liberty:undeploy goal to remove an application from the Liberty profile server.