WAS v8.5 > Reference > Sets

Application policy set settings page

Use this page to view, create, enable or disable your policy sets. We can use policies, or assertions that define services, to simplify the web services configuration.

To view this dmgr console page, click one of the following paths:

Depending on your assigned security role when security is enabled, you might not have access to text entry fields or buttons to create or edit configuration data. Review the administrative roles documentation to learn more about the valid roles for the application server.

We can only edit the fields on this page if you open this page for a custom policy set. We cannot edit default policies.

Policy set name

Name of a selected policy set. This field is empty if you are creating a new policy set and we can enter a policy set name. If you select an existing policy set from the Policy set page, then this field displays the name of that policy set. This field is also not editable for existing custom policy sets and default policy sets.

Specifies a brief description of the policy set being viewed, modified or created. This field displays a brief description of the policy set displayed in the Policy set name field or is empty if a new policy set is being created. We can edit this field for custom policy sets only.


The Policies table displays a list of policies that are contained in the policy set. This table initially contains no policies when we are creating a new custom policy set. If this is a default policy set, then we cannot add, delete, enable or disable the policy. The configuration of a policy in a default policy set cannot be altered but we can view a policy by clicking on the policy name link. If the policy is a custom policy, we can modify the configuration of the policy by clicking the policy name link. We can alter the policies contained in a custom policy set using the following buttons:

Button Resulting action
Add Provides a list of valid policies, instances of which are not already included in the collection, that can be added to the policy set collection. The following policies are available:

Delete Removes the selected policy from the policy set and from the listing in the Description column of the table.
Enable The policy is enabled for the policy set and displayed as enabled in the State column.
Disable The policy is disabled for the policy set. The policy remains in the list but the State field shows the policy as Disabled.

Policies - Policy

Name of a policy. This field is empty if you are creating a new policy set. If you select an existing policy, then this field displays the name of that policy. If the policy settings are viewable, then we can click on the policy name to view the settings. For custom policy sets, we can click on the policy name to configure the policy settings.

Policies - State

Specifies an Enabled or Disabled status for each policy in the policy set. We cannot change the state for default policy sets. To change the state of the policy, select the policy and click Enable or Disable. The state is refreshed in this column to reflect your change.

If you disable a policy, you are temporarily removing the policy from the policy set without losing the configuration details for that policy. When a policy is disabled, we can enable the policy again by selecting Enable. If the policy is deleted, the configuration for that policy no longer exists. After you delete a policy, to enable that policy in a policy set, add the policy to the policy set and enter the configuration details for that policy.

Policies - Description

Specifies a brief description of each policy in the policies table. WAS v8.5 does not support custom policies; therefore, this field is not editable. We cannot create a new policy.

Additional properties – Attached deployed assets

Click this link to search for applications to which this policy set is attached. We can also find applications containing service resources to which the policy set is attached.

Related concepts:

Web services policy sets
Web services policies


Application policy sets page
Search attached applications page
Administrative roles
Policy set bindings settings for Custom properties


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