WAS v8.5 > Reference > SetsConsole navigation
This topic describes how to navigate pages and tasks in the Integrated Solutions Console.
- Launching pages from the navigation tree
- Filtering tasks in the navigation
- Use the title bar controls
- Access help
- Use the console help controls
Before reading this section, read the terms and information in Console layout.
Launching pages from the navigation tree
The console navigation provides a hierarchical view of all of the tasks available in the console. A task is a page in the work area consisting of one or more console modules. All of the modules on the page are provided to start and complete the task. To open a task, simply click the task name in the navigation. The task is opened in a new page in the work area.
The following table describes the controls for the console navigation tree and entries in the tree.
Console navigation tree control functions. The following table describes the controls for the console navigation tree and entries in the tree.
Icon Function ![]()
Represents an organizational node in the navigation tree containing pages or other navigation nodes. Click the icon to expand the node. ![]()
Closes an organizational node.
Filtering tasks in the navigation
When you first access the console, all tasks to which we have access are displayed in the navigation. Use the view menu at the top of the navigation to filter the list of tasks by product. Or, we can create a customized list by selecting My tasks from the View menu. For instructions on creating and managing your custom list of tasks, see My tasks.
Use the title bar controls
Each page contains one or more web applications or console modules. A console module enables you to perform an operation, such as displaying a list or stopping a managed system. The title and the controls for the module are displayed on the title bar. Depending on the functions supported by the module, the following icons might be displayed on the title bar:
- The
icon is displayed if the module allows you to edit settings for the portlet. For example, a module that retrieves performance data could permit you to specify the server to be analyzed. When you click the icon, an edit screen is displayed. Click the
icon to return to the previous screen.
- The
icon allows you to return to the previous screen.
- The
icon is displayed if help is available for the module. When you click the icon, the help is displayed in a separate browser window.
- The
icon allows you to minimize the module view. When you click the icon, only the title bar is visible on the page. Click the
icon to return to the maximize state.
- The
icon allows you to maximize a module view. When you click the icon, the full portlet view is visible on the page. Click the
icon to return to the minimize state.
In addition to the controls on the title bar, a module can include controls for other actions, such as a button to submit input. Some modules have controls that launch other modules. If a module launches another module, the newly launched module is displayed on a new page.
Access help
Help is available for the entire console or for a specific module in the console.
To access console help, perform the following steps:
- Click Help on the console toolbar. The Help is displayed in a separate browser window.
- In the help navigation tree, click the help set to view. For example, click Console help to view topics that provide helpful information for new console users. Use the console help controls as needed.
To access help for a module on a page, perform the following steps:
- On the title bar for the module, click the
icon. That icon is displayed only if help is available for the module. The help is displayed in a separate browser window.
- Close the help window when we are finished viewing it.
Use the console help controls
Console help control functions. The following table describes the console help control functions.
Icon Function ![]()
Use these controls to navigate the list of pages we have viewed. Click to return to the previous help topic that was displayed. Click
to move forward in the history list.
Click either of these icons to synchronize the navigation tree with the current topic. The current topic will be highlighted in the navigation tree. This function is useful if you followed links from one help topic to other topics and to determine where the current topic is listed in the help navigation tree. ![]()
Permits you to add the current page to your browser favorites list or bookmarks. ![]()
Displays a window for printing the help topic that is displayed. ![]()
Maximizes the target view. This control is available for the Table of Contents view, the Search Results view, and the topic display area. ![]()
Restores a maximized view to its normal size. ![]()
Changes the view to the Search Results view. To search all of the help topics, type a word or words in the Search field. Enclose a phrase within double quotes. We can use Boolean operators (such as OR) in the search string. To limit the scope of the search, click Search scope. Click GO to start the search. A list of topics containing the target strings are displayed in the results frame. ![]()
Changes from the Search Results view to the Table of Contents view.
Related concepts:
Console layout
My tasks
Console accessibility