WAS v8.5 > Reference > Sets

WebSphere MQ Provider queue connection factory settings for application clients

Use this panel to view or change the configuration properties of the selected queue connection factory for use with the WebSphere MQ JMS provider. These configuration properties control how connections are created between the JMS provider and WebSphere MQ.

To view this Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT) page, click File > Open. After you browse for an EAR file, click Open. Expand the selected JAR file and click Messaging Providers > WebSphere MQ Provider. Right click Queue Connection Factories, and click New. The following fields are displayed on the General tab.

A queue connection factory for the JMS provider has the following properties.


The name by which this queue connection factory is known for administrative purposes within WAS. The name must be unique within the JMS connection factories across the WebSphere administrative domain.
Information Value
Data type String

A description of this connection factory for administrative purposes within WAS.
Information Value
Data type String
Default Null


The application client run time uses this field to retrieve configuration information.

User ID

The user ID used, with the password property, for authentication if the calling application does not provide a user ID and password explicitly.

If we specify a value for the user ID property, you must also specify a value for the password property.

The connection factory user ID and password properties are used if the calling application does not provide a user ID and password explicitly; for example, if the calling application uses the method createQueueConnection(). The JMS client flows the user ID and password to the JMS server.
Information Value
Data type String


The password used, with the user ID property, for authentication if the calling application does not provide a user ID and password explicitly.

If we specify a value for the user ID property, you must also specify a value for the password property.
Information Value
Data type String
Default Null

Re-Enter Password

Confirms the password.

Queue Manager

The name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager for this connection factory.

Connections created by this factory connect to that queue manager.
Information Value
Data type String

Enter Hostname and Port Information

This radio button is selected by default and, if selected, enables the host and port properties and disables the connection name list property.
Information Value
Data type Radio button
Default Selected


The name of the host on which the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs for client connection only.
Information Value
Data type String
Default Null
Range A valid TCP/IP host name


The TCP/IP port number used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager, for client connection only.

This port must be configured on the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Information Value
Data type Integer
Default Null
Range A valid TCP/IP port number, configured on the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

Enter Connection Name List Information

If selected, this radio button enables the connection name list property and disables the host and port name properties. Select this radio button to connect to a multi-instance queue manager.
Information Value
Data type Radio button
Default Cleared

Connection Name List

A comma-separated list of host and port information which can be used to connect to a multi-instance queue manager.

The format of the list is:

where port is optional and defaults to 1414 if it is not set. For example:

For further information about multi-instance queue managers, see the WebSphere MQ information center.

This property must only be used for connecting to a multi-instance queue manager. It must not be used for connecting to a list of distinct queue managers as that can result in transaction integrity issues.


The name of the channel used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager, for client connection only.
Information Value
Data type String
Default Null
Range 1 through 20 ASCII characters

Transport type

Whether the WebSphere MQ client connection or JNDI bindings are used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager. The external JMS provider controls the communication protocols between JMS clients and JMS servers. Tune the transport type when we are using non-ASF nonpersistent, nondurable, nontransactional messaging or when we want to satisfy security issues and the client is local to the queue manager node.
Information Value
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable


JNDI bindings are used to connect to the queue manager. BINDINGS is a shared memory protocol and can only be used when the queue manager is on the same node as the JMS client and poses security risks that must be addressed through the use of EJB roles.


WebSphere MQ client connection is used to connect to the queue manager. CLIENT is a typical TCP-based protocol.


For WebSphere MQ Event Broker using DIRECT mode. DIRECT is a lightweight sockets protocol used in nontransactional, nondurable, and nonpersistent Publish/Subscribe messaging. DIRECT only works for clients and message-driven beans using the non-ASF protocol.


QUEUED is a standard TCP protocol.

Queue connection factory transport type

BINDINGS is faster by 30% or more, but it requires correctly set up EJB roles to guarantee security. If we have security concerns and need to use CLIENT then you should make appropriate use of SSL to secure the connection to the queue manager.

Topic connection factory transport type

DIRECT is the fastest type and must be used where possible. Use BINDINGS when we want to satisfy additional security tasks and the queue manager is local to the JMS client. QUEUED is the fallback for all other cases. WebSphere MQ 5.3 before CSD2 with the DIRECT setting can lose messages when used with message-driven beans and under load. This loss also happens with client-side applications unless the broker maxClientQueueSize is set to 0. We can set this value to 0 with the command:
#wempschangeproperties WAS_nodeName_server1
 -e default -o DynamicSubscriptionEngine -n
 maxClientQueueSize -v 0 -x executionGroupUUID
where executionGroupUUID can be found by starting the broker and looking in the Event Log/Applications for event 2201. This value is usually ffffffff-0000-0000-000000000000.

The WebSphere MQ 5.3 JMS cannot be used within WAS v6.1 because WAS v6.1 has a Java 5 runtime. Therefore, cross-memory connections cannot be established with WebSphere MQ 5.3 queue managers. This can result in a performance degradation if you were previously using WebSphere MQ 5.3 and BINDINGS for the connections and move to CLIENT network connections in migrating to WAS v6.1.

Client ID

The JMS client identifier used for connections to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Information Value
Data type String


The coded character set identifier for use with the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

This coded character set identifier (CCSID) must be one of the CCSIDs supported by WebSphere MQ.
Information Value
Data type String

For more information about supported CCSIDs, and about converting between message data from one coded character set to another, see the System Administration and Application Programming Reference sections of the WebSphere MQ information center.

Message Retention

Select this check box to specify that unwanted messages are to be left on the queue. Otherwise, unwanted messages are handled according to their disposition options.
Information Value
Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Cleared


Unwanted messages are left on the queue.


Unwanted messages are handled according to their disposition options.

Temporary model

The name of the model definition used to create temporary connection factories if a connection factory does not already exist.
Information Value
Data type String
Range 1 through 48 ASCII characters

Temporary queue prefix

The prefix used for dynamic queue naming.
Information Value
Data type String

Fail if quiesce

Whether applications return from a method call if the queue manager has entered a controlled failure.
Information Value
Data type Check box
Default Selected

Local Server Address

Local server address.
Information Value
Data type String

Polling Interval

Interval, in milliseconds, between scans of all receivers during asynchronous message delivery
Information Value
Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 5000

Rescan interval

Interval in milliseconds between which a topic is scanned to look for messages that have been added to a topic out of order.

This interval controls the scanning for messages that have been added to a topic out of order with respect to a WebSphere MQ browse cursor.
Information Value
Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 5000

SSL cipher suite

Cipher suite to use for SSL connection to WebSphere MQ.

Set to a valid cipher suite provided by your JSSE provider. The value must match the CipherSpec specified on the SVRCONN channel as the Channel property.

Set this property, if you set the SSL Peer Name property.

SSL certificate store

List of zero or more Certificate Revocation List (CRL) servers used to check for SSL certificate revocation. If we specify a value for this property, use WebSphere MQ JVM at Java 2 version 1.4.

The value is a space-delimited list of entries of the form:

A single slash (/) follows this value. If port is omitted, the default LDAP port of 389 is assumed. At connect-time, the SSL certificate presented by the server is checked against the specified CRL servers. For more information about CRL security, see the information about "Working with Certificate Revocation Lists" in the Security section of the WebSphere MQ information center.

SSL peer name

For SSL, a distinguished name skeleton that must match the name provided by the WebSphere MQ queue manager. The distinguished name is used to check the identifying certificate presented by the server at connection time.

If this property is not set, such certificate checking is performed.

The SSL peer name property is ignored if SSL Cipher Suite property is not specified.

This property is a list of attribute name and value pairs separated by commas or semicolons. For example:

The example given checks the identifying certificate presented by the server at connect-time. For the connection to succeed, the certificate must have a Common Name beginning QMGR., and must have at least two Organizational Unit names, the first of which is IBM and the second WEBSPHERE. Checking is not case-sensitive.

For more details about distinguished names and their use with WebSphere MQ, see the information about "Distinguished Names" in the WebSphere MQ information center.

Connection pool

Specifies an optional set of connection pool settings.

Connection pool properties are common to all J2C connectors.

The application server pools connections and sessions with the JMS provider to improve performance. This connection pooling is independent from any WebSphere MQ connection pooling. You must configure the connection and session pool properties appropriately for the applications, otherwise you might not get the connection and session behavior you want.

Change the size of the connection pool if concurrent server-side access to the JMS resource exceeds the default value. The size of the connection pool is set on a per queue or topic basis.
Information Value
Data type Check box
Default Selected

Client reconnect options

Whether a client mode connection reconnects automatically, or not, in the event of a communications or queue manager failure. This property is ignored unless the connection factory is being used in a thin or managed client environment.
Information Value
Data type Drop-down list


The client reconnection does not automatically occur.


The value from the DefRecon attribute from the channels stanza of the client configuration file is used. If there is no DefRecon value specified then this setting has the same effect as a value of DISABLED.


Reconnection occurs to any queue manager consistent with the value of the queue manager attribute, which might be a different queue manager from that to which the connection was originally connected.


Reconnection only occurs to the queue manager to which the connection was originally connected.

For more information about automatic client reconnection, see the WebSphere MQ information center.

Client reconnect timeout

Maximum number of seconds that a client mode connection spends attempting to automatically reconnect to a queue manager after a communications or queue manager failure. This parameter is ignored unless the connection factory is being used in a thin or managed client environment. Whether this parameter is used or not depends on the value of the client reconnect options parameter.
Information Value
Data type Integer
Units Seconds
Default 1800
Range A value greater than zero and up to 2147483647

For more information about automatic client reconnection, see the WebSphere MQ information center.


Configure new JMS providers with the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool
Tune the application serving environment


WebSphere MQ library


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