WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer web services (generally applicable) > Manage web services policy setsModify policy sets
We can use the dmgr console to modify existing custom policy sets that we have created. If we have copied an existing default policy set or created a policy set yourself, we can always go back and make changes to them to make them better suit the changing needs of your business.
We can create a copy of a policy set and modify the copy. You must first copy a default policy set before we can modify it. See copy of default policy set and bindings settings.
To modify a custom policy set, we can use the Policy set settings view to access configuration information for the policy set.
- Create a policy set using the steps in Create policy sets
- From the dmgr console, click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets >policy_set_name or Services > Policy sets > System policy sets >policy_set_name where policy_set_name is the custom policy set of interest that is displayed in the table. This opens the Policy set settings view. Specify the required information about the policy set to modify.
- Change the description of the policy set. Edit the brief description of the policy set in the Description field. This is the description that displays in the Application policy sets collection so it must be meaningful to you and other potential users of this policy set.
- Edit the policy information. We can include, exclude, add or delete policies from this policy set using the settings in the Policies table. To work more extensively with policies, see Manage policies in a policy set .
- This step does not apply to system policy sets. Detach the policy set from an application or replace the policy set attached to the application with another policy set. Click the Attached applications link to access applications that are attached to this policy set and applications containing attached service resources. To detach a policy set from an application, use the following steps:
- In the Filter list, click Name.
- Find the application. In the Search term(s) field, enter all or part of the name of the application to detach and click Go.
- Detach the application. Find and select the application in the listing and click Detach Policy Set.
To change the policy set that is attached to an application, use the following steps:
- In the Filter list, click Name.
- Find the application. In the Search term(s) field, enter all or part of the name of the application and click Go.
- Replace the policy set for this application. Find and select the application in the listing and click Replace Policy Set. You then have one of the following options:
- If there are fewer than 25 policy sets to choose from, the Replace Policy Set button is a drop down list and we can click a policy set to attach to the application.
- If there are more than 25 policy sets to choose from, the Replace Policy Set button opens a collection of policy sets and we can select the policy set to replace from the listing.
Performing these tasks modifies the application to which the custom policy set is attached.
If you had a custom policy set ABC WS-I RSP, for example, that had a misleading description and to change the description so that other users know what the policy set really includes, you would access the Policy Set settings view for that policy set. To do this, from the dmgr console, you would click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets > ABC WS-I RSP. Then you would click the description field and edit the text so that it better represents the scope of the policy set.
If the policy set we have modified is an attached policy set, restart all affected applications to pick up the changes you made. If the policy set is unattached, then no further action is required.
Related concepts:
Web services policy sets
Define and managing policy set bindings
Create policy sets
Create policy set attachments using wsadmin
Remove policy set attachments using wsadmin
Manage policy set attachments using wsadmin
Search attached applications page
Copy of default policy set and bindings settings
Application policy sets page
Application policy set settings