WAS v8.5 > Deploy applications > Deploy SIP applications

Deploy SIP applications through scripting

We can deploy a SIP application not only from the dmgr console but also from a command line. To deploy a SIP application, the application must exist with an EAR file, a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) module (SAR file), or a web application archive (WAR) file. gotcha

Use the wsadmin scripting tool to deploy applications from a command line.


Start the wsadmin scripting client using wsadmin.sh
List applications using the wsadmin scripting tool
Install enterprise applications using wsadmin.sh
Edit application configurations using the wsadmin scripting tool
Uninstall enterprise applications using the wsadmin scripting tool
Browse all SIP topics


Commands for the AdminApp object using wsadmin.sh
Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands using wsadmin.sh


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