WAS v8.5 > Script the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Use the wsadmin scripting AdminApp object for scripted administration

Edit application configuration

Use wsadmin to configure application settings. We can use the AdminApp edit or editInteractive command to change an entire application or a single application module.

We can set or update a configuration value using options in batch mode. To identify which configuration object is to be set or updated, the values of read only fields are used to find the corresponding configuration object. All the values of read only fields have to match with an existing configuration object, otherwise the command fails.

We can use pattern matching to simplify the task of supplying required values for certain complex options. Pattern matching only applies to fields required or read only.

If an application is running, changing an application setting causes the application to restart. On stand-alone servers, the application restarts after you save the change. On multiple-server products, the application restarts after you save the change and files synchronize on the node where the application is installed. To control when synchronization occurs on multiple-server products, deselect Synchronize changes with nodes on the Console preferences page.

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
  2. Edit the entire application or a single application module. Use one of the following commands:

    • The following command uses the installed application and the command option information to edit the application:

      • Jacl:

          $AdminApp edit appname {options}
      • Jython list:

          AdminApp.edit('appname', ['options'])
      • Jython string:

          AdminApp.edit('appname', '[options]')

      AdminApp edit command description. Run the edit command with the name of the application or module.

      Element Description
      $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminApp is an object that supports application object management
      edit is an AdminApp command
      appname is the name of application or application module to edit. For the application module name, use the module name returned from listModules command as the value.
      {options} is a list of edit options and tasks similar to the ones for the install command

    • The following command changes the application information by prompting you through a series of editing tasks:

      • Jacl:

          $AdminApp editInteractive appname
      • Jython:


      AdminApp editInteractive command description. Run the editInteractive command with the name of the application or module.

      Element Description
      $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminApp is an object that supports application object management
      editInteractive is an AdminApp command
      appname is the name of application or application module to edit. For the application module name, use the module name returned from listModules command as the value.

  3. Save the configuration changes.

    Use the following command example to save your configuration changes:


Start the wsadmin scripting client using wsadmin.sh
Use the script library to automate the application serving environment using wsadmin.sh
Use the wsadmin scripting AdminApp object for scripted administration


Commands for the AdminApp object using wsadmin.sh


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