WAS v8.5 > Develop applications > Develop data access resources > Develop data access applications > Develop data access applications > Service Data Objects version 2.1.1 > Use SDO 2.1.1 in SCA applications

Use a bottom-up approach to develop SCA components that use SDO

We can use a bottom-up approach that starts from Java files to develop SCA component implementations that use Service Data Objects (SDO) 2.1.1 (JSR 235).

Consider installing a Rational Application Developer product with SCA Development Tools used to assemble service-oriented application components based on open SCA specifications. See the Rational Application Developer documentation.

Access the default HelperContext programmatically in a Java or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) component implementation type. Complete step 1 of Use SDO 2.1.1 in SCA applications. This topic describes how to develop SCA composites that use SDO following a bottom-up approach.

  1. Start from a Java interface or implementation using type commonj.sdo.DataObject for one or more parameters or return types.

    The following example Java file provides an interface.

    Logger.java (interface):

    package logger;
    import commonj.sdo.DataObject;
    public interface Logger {
        public String logDataObjectProperties (DataObject input);}
  2. Write your SCA Java client or component implementation using the dynamic SDO programming model.

    The following example Java file provides a component implementation.

    LoggerImpl.java (component implementation):

    package logger.impl;
    import logger.Logger;
    import org.osoa.sca.annotations.Service;
    import commonj.sdo.DataObject;
    import commonj.sdo.helper.DataFactory;
    import commonj.sdo.helper.HelperContext;
    public class LoggerImpl implements Logger {
        public String logDataObjectProperties (DataObject input) {
            String logMsg =  "==========\n";
            List props = input.getInstanceProperties();
            for (int i=0; i < props.size(); i++){
                Property prop = (Property)props.get(i);
                logMsg += "  prop[" + i + "], name = " + prop.getName() + ", val = " + 
                    input.get(prop).toString() + "\n";
            logMsg += "==========\n";
            return logMsg;

    The SDO application programming interfaces used are generic in they do not depend on any particular schema definitions. This behavior fits the bottom-up approach because, without a WSDL interface describing this service, the runtime environment cannot associate the input object that is built during deserialization with a specific XSD or SDO type.


You have developed an SCA composite that uses SDO following a bottom-up approach.

Optionally, implement shared scopes. See the topic on using SDO 2.1.1 in SCA applications.

Deploy your files that use SDO in an SCA business-level application.

Related concepts:

SDO data binding for SCA applications


Use SDO 2.1.1 in SCA applications

Related information:

Rational Application Developer documentation


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