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Use SDO 2.1.1 in SCA applications

The SCA implementation complies with Service Data Objects (SDO) 2.1.1 (JSR 235). We can use SDO 2.1.1 in your SCA applications.

Read SDO data binding for SCA applications to better understand how to work with SDO in SCA Java clients and implementations. For more information, read about using business exceptions with SCA interfaces.

Consider installing a Rational Application Developer product with SCA Development Tools used to assemble service-oriented application components based on open SCA specifications. See the Rational Application Developer documentation. SDO is supported in both the OSOA and OASIS applications. Unless otherwise specified, the information in this topic pertains to applications for both the OSOA and OASIS specifications.

To use SDO 2.1.1 in an SCA application, access the default HelperContext programmatically in a Java or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) component implementation type and then develop one or more SCA composites that use SDO following a bottom-up or top-down approach.

  1. Develop one or more SCA components that use SDO.

    1. Decide whether you are going to use a top-down or bottom-up approach to developing your SCA component implementations.

      The section on top-down and bottom-up development in SDO data binding for SCA applications describes the approaches. The top-down approach is typically preferred in SCA service architecture and development.

    2. Use a top-down approach (starting from WSDL and XSD files) or a bottom-up approach (starting from Java files) to develop SCA composites that use SDO.

    3. Access the default HelperContext programmatically.

      We can access the default HelperContext programmatically in a Java or Java EE component implementation type. We cannot access the default HelperContext programmatically in a Spring component implementation type.

    Restriction: We cannot use array types for Java parameters. We cannot map from schema elements declared with the attribute maxOccurs="unbounded" to array types. Instead, map the element to a List, such as a List<DataObject> or List<String>.

    Restriction: For the bottom-up approach, we cannot use Java collection types for either Java parameters or return types. The DataObject itself can serve as a container. For example, instead of List<DataObject> personsList where the contained DataObject instances are each a person, pass DataObject persons where the children of the root element are each a person.

  2. If we are using a top-down development approach, package your WSDL and XSD files in an SCA contribution.

    Packaging WSDL and XSD files in an appropriate contribution enables your component to access the schema definitions. The section on schema registration in SDO data binding for SCA applications describes the registration.

    Consider packaging your WSDL and XSD files so they can be accessed across various parts of the application from a shared in-memory instance. For details, see Implement shared scopes in SCA applications that use SDO.

  3. Deploy your SCA composites that use SDO in an SCA business-level application.

    See topics on SCA contributions and shared scopes for information on how to establish a shared SDO scope. Otherwise, there are no special deployment considerations for applications using the SDO data binding.


You have developed and deployed an SCA composite that uses SDO in a business-level application.

Test the deployed SCA composites.


Related concepts:

SDO data binding for SCA applications
SCA contributions
Service Data Objects version 2.1.1
Data access with Service DataObjects, API versions 1.0 and 2.01


Use a top-down approach to develop SCA components that use SDO
Use a bottom-up approach to develop SCA components that use SDO
Access default HelperContext objects in SCA applications
Implement shared scopes in SCA applications that use SDO
Create and accessing SDO HelperContext objects
Use business exceptions with SCA interfaces

Related information:

Rational Application Developer documentation
JSR 235: Service Data Objects
OASIS Service Data Objects (SDO) TC


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