WAS v8.5 > Set up the application serving environment > Manage profiles > Manage profiles for non-root users

Assigning profile ownership to a non-root user

An installer can create a profile and assign ownership of the profile directory to a non-root user so the non-root user can start the product for a specific profile.

This task assumes a basic familiarity with the manageprofiles command and system commands.

This task uses the following terms:

Before we can create a profile, install the product. Have the installer perform the following steps to create a profile and assign ownership for the profile directory and the logs directory. The ownership is assigned to a non-root user ID that is different from the installer ID. The non-root user needs access to these directories to start the product.

This example creates a default profile.

The commands are split on multiple lines for printing purposes.

  1. Create the profile by issuing the following code from a command prompt:

    ./manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName profile01 -profilePath
    app_server_root/profiles/profile01 -templatePath 

    manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName profile01 -profilePath 
    app_server_root\profiles\profile01 -templatePath 

  2. Change ownership of the profile01 profile directory to the user1 non-root user.

    For example, issue the following command:

      chown -R user1 app_server_root/profiles/profile01

    Follow instructions in the Windows documentation to grant user1 access to the following directory:


  3. Change the ownership of the logs directory for the profile01 profile to the user1 non-root user to prevent displaying log messages to the console.

    Issue the following command:

      chown -R user1 app_server_root/logs/manageprofiles/profile01

    Follow instructions in the Windows documentation to grant user1 access to the following directory:



The installer has created a default profile and changed ownership of the profile directory and log directory to a non-root user.

As the installer, we can continue to create profiles and assign ownership to non-root users as needed.

A non-root user ID can manage multiple profiles. For a given profile, have the same non-root user ID manage the entire profile.

The non-root user can use the same tasks to manage a profile the root user uses.


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