WAS v8.5 > Set up the application serving environment > Administer nodes and resources > Administer stand-alone nodes using the administrative agent

Unregister nodes of the administrative agent

We can unregister application server nodes so they are no longer registered to an administrative agent. Unregister nodes if you no longer need the node in the administrative agent environment or if you intend to delete the application server node profile. After you unregister a node from an administrative agent, we can use the node stand-alone, register the node with another administrative agent, or delete the application server node profile.

The application server node to remove from the administration agent environment must be registered with the administrative agent. Start the administrative agent if it is not running already. To unregister a node, run the deregisterNode command from the bin directory of the administrative agent. Step 1 describes how to run the deregisterNode command.

When you unregister a node, the node configuration is retained, but is marked as not registered with the administrative agent. If the node that you unregister had the dmgr console or management EJB applications installed before registering the node, they are re-enabled.

Running the deregisterNode command might result in a null pointer exception if the application server node profile is corrupted or unusable. If you receive the null pointer exception, the process to unregister the application server from the administrative agent failed. You receive ADMU0116I, ADMU0128I, ADMU0211I, ADMU0113E, and ADMU1211I messages in the error log. Step 2 describes how to remove a node and related end points if there is a null pointer exception.

If the application server node profile is deleted before the node is unregistered, running the deregisterNode command is ineffective. Because the profile no longer exists, the administrative agent does not recognize the profile. Complete Step 2 to remove the node and related end points from the administrative agent environment.

  1. Unregister a node using the deregisterNode command.

    If the node to unregister exists, run the deregisterNode command, specifying the profile path of the node to unregister:

      deregisterNode -profilePath profile_root/profile_name

    For example, to unregister the AppSrv02 profile from the administrative agent environment, run the following command:

      deregisterNode -profilePath profile_root/AppSrv02

    See the topic on the deregisterNode command for information about command parameters.

  2. If a null pointer exception results from running the deregisterNode command or if the node profile has been deleted, run wsadmin commands that remove the registered node and related end points.

    1. On a command line, run a command to start the wsadmin scripting tool from the administrative agent bin directory.

      To use the Jython scripting language, enter:

        wsadmin -lang jython

      To use the Jacl scripting language, enter:


    2. If we do not know the name of the node to remove, run the AdminConfig list command to list nodes that are registered with the administrative agent and find the node to remove in the list.

      For Jython:

      For Jacl:

        $AdminConfig list ManagedNode

      The list of registered nodes that is displayed resembles the following:


      This list shows that nodeA and nodeB are registered nodes of the myAACell01 administrative agent.

    3. Issue wsadmin commands that remove the node.

      To remove nodeA and save the changes, run the following commands in succession.

      For Jython:

      mn = AdminConfig.getid('/ManagedNode:nodeA/')

      For Jacl:

      set mn [$AdminConfig getid /ManagedNode:nodeA/]
      $AdminConfig remove $mn
      $AdminConfig save

    4. Run wsadmin commands that remove end points that were generated for the subsystem when the node profile was registered.

      Run the following commands sequentially to remove end points for nodeA. The for command in Jython and the foreach command in Jacl are one-line commands that are shown on multiple lines for publication.

      For Jython:

      import java.lang.System as System 
      lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator")
      neps = AdminConfig.list("NamedEndPoint").split(lineSeparator)
      for nep in neps:
        set name = AdminConfig.showAttribute(nep, "endPointName")
        if (name.endswith("nodeA") == 1):

      For Jacl:

      set neps [$AdminConfig list NamedEndPoint]
      foreach nep $neps {set name [$AdminConfig showAttribute $nep endPointName]; 
      if {[string last "nodeA" $name] != -1} {$AdminConfig remove $nep}}
      $AdminConfig save 

    5. Restart the administrative agent.

      To restart an administrative agent named adminagent, run the following commands from a command prompt at the bin directory of the administrative agent profile:

      stopServer adminagent
      startServer adminagent
    6. Verify the node is no longer registered with the administrative agent.


The application server node is no longer registered with the administrative agent.

We can use the unregistered node stand-alone or register the node with another administrative agent. Optionally, use the manageprofiles command to delete the application server profile.

Related concepts:

Administrative agent


Administer stand-alone nodes using the administrative agent
Create management profiles with administrative agents
manageprofiles command
Set up the administrative agent environment


startServer command
registerNode command
deregisterNode command
stopServer command


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