WAS v8.5 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)

WSScheduleCommands command group of AdminTask

We can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to manage deployed applications with wsadmin. The commands and parameters in the WSScheduleCommands group can be used to create and manage scheduler settings in your configuration. Schedulers enable J2EE application tasks to run at a requested time.

The WSScheduleCommands command group for AdminTask includes the following commands:


The deleteWSSchedule command deletes the settings of a scheduler from the configuration.

Parameters and return values


The name that uniquely identifies the scheduler. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


The getWSSchedule command returns the settings of the specified scheduler.

Parameters and return values


The name that uniquely identifies the scheduler. (String, required)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


The listWSSchedules command lists the scheduler.

Parameters and return values


Set Set true to to list the key set configuration objects within the scope. Set the value of this parameter to false to list the strings containing the key set group name and management scope. (Boolean, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


The modifyWSSchedule command changes the settings of an existing scheduler.

Parameters and return values


The name that uniquely identifies the scheduler. (String, required)


The period of time in days to wait before checking for expired certificates. (Integer, optional)


The day of the week to check for expired certificates. (Integer, optional)


The hour of the day to check for expired certificates. (Integer, optional)


The minute to check for expired certificates. Use this parameter with the hour parameter. (Integer, optional)


The next time, in seconds, to check for expired certificate. (Long, optional)


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


Use the wsadmin scripting AdminTask object for scripted administration


Commands for AdminTask using wsadmin.sh


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