WAS v8.5 > Reference > Jython script library

Utility scripts

The scripting library provides script procedures to automate the application configurations. This topic provides usage information for scripts that set notification options, save configuration changes, and display scripting library information.

Each utility script procedure is located in the app_server_root/scriptLibraries/utilities/V70 directory. Use the following script procedures to perform utility functions:


This script converts a string to a list. For example, the AdminApp.list() command returns a string of application names. Use the convertToList script to change the output to a list format, such as ['DefaultApplication', 'a1', 'a2', 'ivtApp', 'query'].

convertToList argument description. Run the script to return a string output and set the output to a variable.

Argument Description
variable Name of the variable containing the string to convert to a list.


Example usage



This script sets the debug notice text.

debugNotice argument description. Run the script to specify the message argument.

Argument Description
message Message text for the debug notice.


Example usage


This script displays the exception message for a specific exception type, exception value, or traceback information.

getExceptionText argument descriptions. Run the script to specify the type, value, or traceback arguments.

Argument Description
type Exception type of interest. The exception type represents the class object of the exception.
value Exception value of interest. The value represents the instance object that is the argument of the exception or the second argument of the raise statement.
traceback Traceback information of interest. The traceback object contains special attributes, including the line number where the error occurred. Do not assign traceback to a local variable in the function that handles the exception, as this assignment creates a circular reference.


Example usage

, "com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: AdminControl service not available"
, "")


This script sets the failure message.

fail argument description. Run the script to specify the message argument.

Argument Description
message Message text for the failure notice.


Example usage


This script searches the file system based on a specific path or directory.

fileSearch argument descriptions. Run the script to specify the path or directory arguments.

Argument Description
path File path to search for a specific file.
directory Directory to search for a specific file.


Example usage

Paths = []
Directory = java.io.File("c:\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\scriptLibraries")
AdminUtilities.fileSearch(directory, paths)
Paths = []
Directory = java.io.File("//WebSphere//AppServer//scriptLibraries")
AdminUtilities.fileSearch(directory, paths)


This script displays an instance for the resource bundle of interest.

getResourceBundle argument description. Run the script to specify the bundle name argument.

Argument Description
bundleName Name of the bundle of interest. For example, to get a message object from the ScriptingLibraryMessage resource bundle, specify com.ibm.ws.scripting.resources.scriptLibraryMessage.


Example usage


This script displays the file path and file names for each script library file.


Example usage


This script displays each script name in the script library.


Example usage


This script displays the file path to get to the script library files on your file system.


Example usage


This script displays help information for the AdminUtilities script library, including general library information, script names, and script descriptions.

help argument description. Run the script to obtain information about the script of interest.

Argument Description
scriptName Optionally specifies the name of the AdminUtilities script of interest.


Example usage


This script sets the text for the information notice of a command or script.

infoNotice argument description. Run the script to specify the message argument.

Argument Description
message Message text or a message ID such as "Application is installed" or resourceBundle.getString("WASX7115I").


Example usage


This script saves the configuration changes to the system.


Example usage


This script enables and disables debug notices.

setDebugNotices argument description. Run the script to specify the debug argument.

Argument Description
debug Whether to enable or disable debug notices. Specify true to enable debug notices, or false to disable debug notices.


Example usage


This script enables or disables the fail on error behavior.

setFailOnErrorDefault argument description. Run the script to specify the fail on error argument.

Argument Description
failOnError Whether to enable or disable the fail on error behavior. Specify true to enable the fail on error behavior, or false to disable the behavior.


Example usage


This script sets the number of seconds the system waits for completion during two operations.

sleepDelay argument description. Run the script to specify the delay seconds argument.

Argument Description
delaySeconds Number of seconds to wait for completion.


Example usage


This script sets the text to display as the warning message.

warningNotice argument description. Run the script to specify the message argument.

Argument Description
message Non-translated text for the warning notice or a message ID such as resourceBundle.getString("WASX7411W").


Example usage


This script enables and disables the automatic saving of configuration changes to the master configuration repository.

configureAutoSave argument description. Run the script to specify the autosave argument.

Argument Description
autosave Whether to save configuration changes to the master configuration repository automatically. Default is true.


Example usage


Use the script library to automate the application serving environment using wsadmin.sh


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