WAS v8.5 > Reference > Jython script libraryApplication export scripts
The scripting library provides script procedures to automate the application configurations. This topic provides usage information for scripts that export applications. We can run each script individually or combine procedures to create custom automation scripts for the environment.
Each application management script procedure is located in the app_server_root/scriptLibraries/application/V70 directory. Use the following script procedures to export applications:
This script exports a deployed application to a specific file.
To run the script, specify the application name and export file name arguments, as defined in the following table:
exportAnAppToFile argument descriptions. Run the script to export a deployed application.
Argument Description appName Name of the application of interest. exportFileName Name of the file to which the system exports the application. Syntax
AdminApplication.exportAnAppToFile(appName, exportFileName)
Example usage
AdminApplication.exportAnAppToFile("myApp", "exported.ear")
This script exports all deployed applications to a specific directory.
To run the script, specify the application name and export file name arguments, as defined in the following table:
exportAllApplicationsToDir argument description. Run the script to export all deployed applications.
Argument Description exportDirectory Fully qualified directory path to which the system exports each application. Syntax
Example usage
This script exports the data definition language (DDL) from the application to a specific directory.
To run the script, specify the application name, export directory, and options arguments, as defined in the following table:
exportAnAppDDLToDir argument descriptions. Run the script to export a DDL.
Argument Description appName Name of the application to export. exportDirectory Fully qualified directory path to which the system exports each application. options Optionally specifies additional export options. Syntax
AdminApplication.exportAnAppDDLToDir(appName, exportFileName, options)
Example usage
AdminApplication.exportAnAppDDLToDir("myApp", "c:\export", "")
AdminApplication.exportAnAppDDLToDir("myApp", "/export", "")
Use the script library to automate the application serving environment using wsadmin.sh
Automating application configuration
Application administration scripts
Application installation and uninstallation scripts
Application query scripts
Application update scripts
Application deployment configuration scripts