WAS v8.5 > Reference > Command-line utilities

UDDI Utility Tools prerequisites

Before using the UDDI Utility Tools, ensure the required .jar files are available.

To run the UDDI Utility Tools, use the IBM Development Kit for Java code supplied with WebSphere Application Server. This development kit is in the app_server_root/java/bin directory.

Ensure the following .jar files are available to the UDDI Utility Tools. Specify the locations of the .jar files in the class path in the UDDI Utility Tools properties file:


This file is the UDDI Utility Tools .jar file and is in the app_server_root/UDDIReg/scripts directory.


This file contains the UDDI4J classes and is in the app_server_root/plugins directory.


This file contains some required Java platform for enterprise applications classes, and is in the app_server_root/lib directory.


This file is the Apache SOAP implementation and is in the app_server_root/plugins directory.


This driver is needed for the UDDIUtilityTool to connect to your target database. See the following table for the values specify for the chosen database:

DbDriver values for databases. The table details the values needed to connect to different databases.

  DB2 Apache Derby Oracle
DBDriverLocation for class path DB2_HOME/db2java.zip app_server_root/derby/lib/derbyclient.jar ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar

COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver, or com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver for a remote DB2 database.

We can also set up a local alias to the remote database using the DB2 client.

com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
URL jdbc:db2://host:database_name jdbc:db2j:net://host:1527/database_name jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521: database_name

  • app_server_root is the directory location of WAS.
  • DB2_HOME is the directory location of DB2, for example c:\Program Files\SQLLIB\java12\
  • ORACLE_HOME is the directory location of Oracle, for example c:\oracle\ora92\
  • database_name is the name of the database. For Apache Derby, ensure that database_name includes the path to the database, for example profile_root/databases/com.ibm.uddi/UDDI30


  • For Apache Derby, make the database network-enabled so that it can handle multiple connections. For further details, refer to the section about managing the Derby Network Server in the Derby Server and Administration Guide.

  • For DB2, add DB2_HOME/sqllib/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBPATH environment variables.

The Security provider configuration section in the configuration properties file shows the location of the default DummyClientTrustFile.jks file. If we use our own truststore, ensure the location is placed here.

The UDDI Utility Tools use UDDI v2 SOAP Inquiry and Publish interfaces. These APIs are protected, as described in the topic about access control for UDDI registry interfaces. The UDDI Utility Tools also access the UDDI registry database through the database driver, and access to the database is controlled by the database management system.

Related concepts:

Access control for UDDI registry interfaces


Use the UDDI registry


UDDI Utility Tools configuration file
UDDI entity definition file
UDDI Utility Tools at a command prompt
UDDI Utility Tools through the API
Save UDDI v3 entities with a supplied key
UDDI Utility Tools limitations and resolutions

Related information:

Derby Server and Administration Guide


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