WAS v8.5 > Reference > Command-line utilities

UDDI Utility Tools through the API

UDDI Utility Tools provides a public API to functions to export, import, promote, find, and delete UDDI entities. To invoke these functions, use the PromoterAPI class.

Typically, we use these functions through the PromoterAPI class for the following uses:

The samples for WebSphere Application Server include sample code for UDDI Utility Tools that demonstrates use of the API classes.

Deprecated feature: The low-level UDDI Utility Tools API classes and methods, such as BusinessStub and ServiceStub, are deprecated in WAS v6.0. These APIs are replaced with the high-level PromoterAPI interface in the com.ibm.uddi.promoter package. Refer to the API documentation for details.


Use the UDDI registry


UDDI Utility Tools prerequisites
UDDI Utility Tools configuration file
UDDI entity definition file
UDDI Utility Tools at a command prompt
Save UDDI v3 entities with a supplied key
UDDI Utility Tools limitations and resolutions
Additional Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Related information:

Samples for WAS


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