WAS v8.5 > Reference > Custom propertiesJAX-WS timeout properties
Timeout properties for configuring how long JAX-WS clients wait to read response messages, send request messages, and make connections, can be set in various levels of the application server for JAX-WS applications. These timeout properties can be configured via policy sets, on the org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext, and the Java virtual machine (JVM). This order of precedence is how the web services runtime environment reads the properties. For example, if the write timeout were set in both the policy set and on the JVM, the runtime environment uses the property value in the policy file and ignore the JVM property. The following tables outline the read, write, and connection timeout properties. Unlike a JAX-RPC client, timeout properties for JAX-WS clients must not be set on the client binding file, as the runtime environment ignores timeout properties set this way.
Policy set timeout properties
The following timeout properties can be set via policy sets. The web services runtime environment honors timeout properties set at the policy set level as the highest precedence. Valid values for the timeout properties are integers, representing seconds.
Java constant name Literal name Default com.ibm.ws.websvcs.transport.common.TransportConstants.READ_TIMEOUT readTimeout 300 com.ibm.ws.websvcs.transport.common.TransportConstants.WRITE_TIMEOUT writeTimeout 300 com.ibm.ws.websvcs.transport.common.TransportConstants.CONN_TIMEOUT connectTimeout 180
MessageContext timeout properties
The following timeout properties can be set on the MessageContext. The web services runtime environment honors timeout properties set on the MessageContext only if the equivalent timeout properties have not also been set via policy sets. Valid values for the timeout properties are integers, representing seconds.
Java constant name Literal name Default com.ibm.wsspi.webservices.Constants.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY timeout 300 com.ibm.wsspi.websvcs.Constants.WRITE_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY write_timeout 300 com.ibm.wwsspi.websvcs.Constants.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY connection_timeout 180
JVM timeout properties
The following timeout properties can be set on the JVM. The web services runtime environment honors timeout properties set on the JVM only if the equivalent timeout properties have not also been set via policy sets or on the MessageContext. Valid values for the timeout properties are integers, representing seconds.
Java constant name Literal name Default com.ibm.wsspi.webservices.Constants.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY timeout 300 com.ibm.wsspi.webservices.Constants.WRITE_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY write_timeout 300 com.ibm.ws.websvcs.transport.http.WSHTTPConstants.HTTP_SOCKET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT com.ibm.websphere.webservices.http.SocketTimeout 180
HTTPTransport policy and binding properties