WAS v8.5 > Reference > Sets

Request metrics performance data

Use this page to learn how to interpret performance data for request metrics in trace record format.

The trace records for request metrics data are output to two log files: the web server plug-in log file and the application server log file. The default names for the log files are SystemOut.log and http_plugin.log. You might, however, specify these log file names and their locations. The default directories for these log files are:


In the WAS log file the trace record format is:

PMRM0003I: parent:ver=n,ip=n.n.n.n,time=nnnnnnnnnn,pid=nnnn,reqid=nnnnnn,event=nnnn 
           type=TTT detail=some_detail_information elapsed=nnnn

In the web server plug-in log file the trace record format is:

- current:ver=n,ip=n.n.n.n,time=nnnnnnnnnn,pid=nnnn,reqid=nnnnnn,event=nnnn 
           type=TTT detail=some_detail_information elapsed=nnnn bytesIn=nnnn 

The trace record format is composed of two correlators: a parent correlator and current correlator. The parent correlator represents the upstream request and the current correlator represents the current operation. If the parent and current correlators are the same, then the record represents an operation that occurs as it enters WAS.

To correlate trace records for a particular request, collect records with a message ID of PMRM0003I from the appropriate application server log files and the PLUGIN trace record from the web server plug-in log file. Records are correlated by matching current correlators to parent correlators. We can create the logical tree by connecting the current correlators of parent trace records to the parent correlators of child records. This tree shows the progression of the request across the server cluster. Refer to Why use request metrics? for an example of the transaction flow.

The parent correlator is denoted by the comma separating fields following the keyword, parent:. Likewise, the current correlator is denoted by the comma separating fields following, current:.

The fields of both parent and current correlators are:

Following the parent and current correlators, the metrics data for timed operation are:

The type and detail fields that are described include:

IBM recommends using the HPEL log and trace infrastructure. With HPEL, one views logs using the LogViewer command-line tool in PROFILE/bin.


Enable and disable logging
Troubleshoot applications with HPEL


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