WAS v8.5 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)RARUpdate command group
Use the resource adapter archive (RAR) update wizard to upgrade the RAR module and property configuration of J2C Resource Adapters. The application server uses the classes and other code that comprise a resource adapter archive to support the resource adapters that you configure.
To avoid problems, use the dmgr console RAR update wizard. For more information, see the topic Updating a resource adapter archive.
The RARUpdate command group contains the following commands:
The compareResourceAdapterToRAR command determines whether a resource adapter is compatible with a new RAR file. A resource adapter may be updated with a RAR only when the two are compatible.
Target object Resource adapter Object ID - The configuration object of the resource adapter that will be compared for update.
Result The command returns true if the resource adapter is compatible with the specified RAR. It also displays the versions of the resource adapter and new RAR file. If the resource adapter is not compatible with the specified RAR, then the command returns false and provides a message explaining why they are not compatible.
Required parameters
- -rarPath
- The absolute path to a RAR file. (String, required)
AdminTask.compareResourceAdapterToRAR("Test Resource Adapter(cells/cell/nodes/node|resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1169157308943"), '[-rarPath "c:\tra\rar\TRA.rar"]')
The getNewRAObjectProperties command obtains the list of new properties within a RAR file that may be configured when updating a resource adapter.
Target object Resource adapter Object ID - The configuration object of the resource adapter that will be updated.
Result You receive the list of new properties that may be configured on the resource adapter when updating a RAR.
Required parameters
- -rarPath
- The absolute path to a RAR file. (String, required)
- -returnType
- The type of value to return, "String" or “Hashtable. When returnType is “String", the command returns a String intended for input to the updateRAR command; if returnType is “Hashtable“, then the command returns a java.util.Hashtable which is intended for use with the Admin console. The returnType defaults to "String". (String, optional)
- Using Jython:
AdminTask.getNewRAObjectProperties('"Test Resource Adapter(cells/cell/nodes/node|resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1169157308943)"', '[-rarPath c:/tra/RAR/TRA.rar -returnType String]')
The findOtherRAsToUpdate command locates other resource adapters in the configuration that are similar to the resource adapter to be updated. The resulting resource adapters should also be updated.
Target object Resource adapter Object ID - The configuration object of the resource adapter that will be compared for update.
Result The command returns a list of resource adapter Object ID Strings that may be input as the target object of RARUpdate commands.
Batch mode example usage:
- Using Jython:
AdminTask.findOtherRAsToUpdate('"Test Resource Adapter(cells/cell/nodes/node|resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1169157308943)"')
The updateRAR command updates the RAR and configuration of a resource adapter at a specific scope.
Target object Resource adapter Object ID - The configuration object of the resource adapter that will be updated.
Result This command returns a message of success or failure upon completion.
Required parameters
- -rarPath
- The absolute path to the new RAR file. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -ResourceAdapterProps
- A list of [name value] pairs of new properties to set on the ResourceAdapter implementation class. We can specify for this step:
- -name
- The name of the resource adapter property. (String, optional)
- -value
- The value of the resource adapter property. (String, optional)
- -ConnectionFactoryProps
- A list of [id name value] triplets of new properties to set on the connection factories in the resource adapter configuration. We can specify for this step:
- -id
- The JNDI name of the connection factory. (String, optional)
- -name
- The name of the connection factory property. (String, optional)
- -value
- The value of the resource adapter property. (String, optional)
- -ActivationSpecProps
- A list of [id name value] triplets of new properties to set on the activation specifications in the resource adapter configuration. We can specify for this step:
- -id
- The JNDI name of the activation specification. (String, optional)
- -name
- The name of the activation specification property. (String, optional)
- -value
- The value of the activation specification property. (String, optional)
- -AdminObjectProps
- A list of [id name value] triplets of new properties to set on the administered objects in the resource adapter configuration. We can specify for this step:
- -id
- The JNDI name of the activation specification. (String, optional)
- -name
- The name of the administered object property. (String, optional)
- -value
- The value of the administered object property. (String, optional)
- Using Jython:
AdminTask.updateRAR('"Test Resource Adapter(cells/cell/nodes/node|resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1169157308943)"', '[-rarPath c:/tra/RAR/TRA.rar -ResourceAdapterProps [[RAProp1 RAProp1Val] [RAProp2 RAProp2Val]] -ConnectionFactoryProps [[eis/TRA_CF_1 CFProp1 CFProp1Val] [eis/TRA_CF_2 CFProp1 CFProp1Val2] [eis/TRA_DIF_CF CFProp2 CFProp2val]] -ActivationSpecProps [[eis/TRA_AS_1 ASProp1 ASProp1Val] [eis/TRA_AS_1 ASProp2 ASProp2Val] [eis/TRA_AS_2 ASProp3 ASProp3val] [eis/TRA_AS_2 ASProp4 ASProp4Val]] -AdminObjectProps [[eis/TRA_AO_1 AOProp1 AOProp1Val] [eis/TRA_AO_1 AOProp2 AOProp2Val] [eis/TRA_AO_2 AOProp1 AOProp1Val] [eis/TRA_AO_3 AOProp2 AOProp2Val]]]')
Interactive mode example usage:
- Using Jython:
Update a stand-alone resource adapter archive