WAS v8.5 > WebSphere applications > Web applications > Learn about web applications > Web applications > Web container propertiesWeb container behavior notes
Learn about behavior notes for the web container.
Access multipart/form-data
Define a servlet to process multipart/form data by including a @MultipartConfig annotation in the servlet, or by specifying a multipart-config element for the servlet in the application web.xml file. An annotation might look like the following example:
@MultipartConfig(fileSizeThreshold=1000000, location="temp", maxFileSize=5000000, maxRequestSize=5000000)
If a servlet is not defined to process multipart/form data, or the include file is not within the limits that are set by the configuration data, the following behavior is observed in response to a request containing multipart/form data:
ServletRequest.getParameter() will return null for a request to obtain a form field. HttpServletRequest.getPart() or HttpServletRequest.getParts() will throw an appropriate exception. The exception message is an indication of the cause of the exception.
Web container properties